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Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23, 2010 Friday Night

After Tony got home from work we drove to the sink hole here on the Eastside of Milwaukee. Like I said before, this is just down the road from our house. We sneaked down an alley since they have the hole blocked off a block in each direction. We got right up to the sink hole and I started taking pictures. At one point I took a picture of one of the handsome construction workers. He looked at me taking his picture, walked up to the 6 foot high fence, and without a word put his hand over the fence. Tony said 'give him your camera'. I gave him my camera and he walked to the edge of the sink hole and took two pictures into the hole showing the car and damage. He then walked back to me and handed me my camera. He said the car is still running 24 hours later, the blinkers and still on, and the radio is still on. They can hear the music when your up to the edge of the sink hole. Here are six of the better pictures. One is the dirt they are bringing in to eventually fill the hole. It will be some time because the car can not be lifted out until they figure out how to reroute the electrical that powers Saint Mary's Hospital, two sewer lines, and all the AT&T wires that all go through under the car. I have found out throughout the day that we got over 7 inches of rain in 2 hours. We are very fortunate we just have a little water in our basement. The news has said most of Milwaukee basements have feet of water still in them, water and sewage. YUCK! So we are fortunate. Enjoy the pictures, I enjoyed taking them. The next round of storms is set to arrive Saturday morning around 7 AM.

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