Saturday Tony worked most of the day at his auto body shop getting cars finished that should have been finished Friday at closing. I went to the local pet store and bought a hair trimmer for Vito. A pet hair trimmer that is strong enough to go through his thick hair. After Tony got home from work we groomed Vito and then watched TV for the afternoon since it was not a nice day in Milwaukee. Made a pizza and salad for dinner. Around 7 PM the manager of a restaurant here on the Eastside called to ask Tony if it was alright if an employee named Jerry pays for food with a company check. HELL NO! Jeez, this guys never stops. I wish the cops would just find him. We told the manager to take his order and we would be at the restaurant when he picked up his food and tried to pass one of Tony's company checks. Well the guy then decided to wait and order later, I am not sure if he caught on being on hold so long while the manager talked with us at home. Jerry never did end up ordering food but it makes us wonder how many company checks he might have. I wish this guy would get hit by a bus or at least arrested for his warrant. We stayed up until about 11 PM waiting for a call but finally went to bed when no call came.
Sunday we got up and after reading the morning paper and feeding the dogs I made eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast. I then got the idea to make a canape for the dogs outside so they have an area to go out and pee when it is raining and not get wet. Yah, I know, I am nuts. Only a dog lover like myself would understand. Tony and I went to Home Depot and bought the wood and glass panels I would need. Unloaded the car and started working on my project while Tony watched. I don't mind so much. He helps when I need the hands. I just like having him around. Finished and got one coat of paint on the frame of the canape. That was enough for one day. Spent the night watching TV. Brothers and Sisters was good. Sal I guess is HIV+ from the way the show ended. Have a hard time watching shows when the topic is AIDS and HIV. Hopefully next season now that he found out he is HIV+ the show will go into telling the story of what a person goes through after finding out this horrible news. Went to bed shortly after 10 PM.
This morning after getting Tony off to work and a little done inside the house I headed outside to continue my canape project. Put a second coat of paint on the frame and secured the glass panels. Then headed back to the hardware store for a little more wood to finish the trellis above the frame. Spent the afternoon working on it. It turned out great. I will upload pictures and put them on this post. Making a frozen Lasagna and salad for dinner and will spend the night watching TV. My muscles hurt. I think I
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