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Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1, 2010 Monday Night

Saturday Tony took Stella to the vet for another blood test, then spent the day working on the bathroom. I spent the day cleaning and keeping an eye on the puppy. He was pretty good all day. I think he made one poop mistake and about 3 pee mistakes for the day. Each time I caught him in the act and let him know he was a bad dog and took him outside. Saturday night we had a party to go to so we put him in his crate and hoped for the best. He was fine when we got home after 11 PM. Had a good time at the party. I had three drinks. Tony had about 5 and I knew by the time we left it was time to get him home. He can be a mean drunk and was. Got home and after I did EVERYTHING I let him know that it was not fair for him to walk in the house after a party or night out and just take care of himself and his own needs while I take care of the dogs, get us a water, turn on the TV and everything else. Well, he got mean, told me he hates me and that he hopes every night when he goes to bed that he does not wake up in the morning so he doesn't have to spend another day with me. What a nice thing to be told hey? I let him say what he wanted, I walked away and took the dogs to bed with me. About an hour later he came to bed. I was not happy. About 2:30 AM I woke up pucking my guts out. I just can not drink anymore on the meds I take. Guess three drinks is too many.

Sunday we were both up around 7 AM due to the puppy. Not much was said between Tony and I all morning. About 10:30 AM I told him I had to call the girl who might want the puppy and it was his last chance to tell me what he wanted to do. I laid out my case, pro and cons. He said nothing. About 11:30 I asked him again and told him it was not fair not to say anything. He simply said 'I wouldn't have brought the puppy home if I didn't want him. You always do what your want so your going to do what you want this time also'. I sat there silent. OK. So now I am the bad guy. A little while later he was sleeping on the couch. I called the girl who wanted him and told her we had changed our minds. I guess I wasn't going to win this one giving the dog away. I was happy to hear the girl say she had decided not to get the dog anyway. Of course I did not tell Tony this. Let him think I did this for him. I had made the decision to do it for him anyway prior to the girl saying she didn't want him. Spent the day watching the puppy and TV and just doing a little paperwork. Went to bed around 10 PM Sunday night. The puppy in my arms. For the record his name is Jacque Pierre Beaumont The 4th. Yup Tony named him. Guess he had a dog like this one named the same when he was a kid. So we will call him Beau (Bo) for short. He is a very smart dog and catching on quick. I will have to post some more pictures and a video of him playing with Vito and Stella. Vito and him are best friends already. Stella (our pitbull) is so careful when she plays with him. Stella always pleasantly surprises me daily being a pitbull and being such a good dog. I am so glad I saved Stella. She would have been put down if we didn't save her 4 1/2 years ago.

Monday I got up around 6 AM and spent until I went to work at 9 AM watching the dog making sure he was not leaving any messes in the house. Tony came home at lunch to let them all out. Had Tony take a stool sample to the vet this morning to make sure Beau doesn't have worms and give it to the other four dogs. I got home around 3 PM from work. The vet called shortly after to say no worms and that Stella's blood count from Saturday was still good/normal. Spent the afternoon working at home for work on the computer transferring the count/inventory numbers to a spreadsheet to send the owner. Then I had an HIV meeting from 6 PM to 7:30 PM. It is getting close to 10 PM and I am ready for bed. Have to work a few hours tomorrow. Wednesday I have a dental appointment to drill and fill a tooth, YUCK.


  1. I think I'm going to have to stop reading your blog because my blood pressure goes through the roof everytime I read it. I cannot believe what a fool you have been! Tony it seems from what you've read, is clearly no longer in love with you, but stays with you for convenience. This is no relationship! He treats you like a piece of shit, BULLIES you into taking an extra dog, that you financially and health-wise can't afford, he is verbally abusive to you, lazy, ignores your needs, and you just GIVE IN, like a victim of domestic violence! Its SO frustrating! Its so frustrating reading your blogs, because you CANNOT afford this dog, and there were from what you've said, many MANY people who said they wanted the dog, not just this girl. Why not offer it to them? YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO KEEP THE DOG! $200 vet bill just for Stella? And this is a regular thing. I really have no idea what is wrong with your mind, but the fact you give into to a nasty, hateful, spiteful user like Tony just INFURIATES me! Its like reading a trainwreck happening, and not being able to help, or do a damn thing to stop it. Seriously, if he spoke to ME like that, lets just say he'd be picking up his teeth from the carpet, and picking up his clothes from the gutter. There is NO WAY my self-respect would allow me to not knock his freaking head off, or stay with him. I would DEMAND he leave my house until he realises what a lowlife scumbag he has been. The fact that you take this, like a wife going back to her husband after she was bashed, is just....arrrgh! I can't read this any more. But to give in, allow him to treat you like a pice of shit, AND take on the financial responsibility of a dog, that could be in danger from Stella, just to satisfy someone who doesn't love you (obviously!) but loves having a second mother to cook and clean for him and feed his dogs, but to risk your financial and HEALTH, for a dog, that MANY people want and could clearly take off your hands, is just too much! I'm sorry, I love reading about how you cope with this disease, as I also have a loved one with this disease, but watching yourself risk your health and immune system with this extra dog and responsibility, to satisfy a verbally abusive and thoroughly nasty peice of work, watching through your blog you being taken for granted and you making a fool of yourself is far too much. I have to delete your blog bookmark to preserve my sanity. I cannot believe that a man who seems as nice and thoughtful as you, can make such a monumental fool of yourself over someone that is completely and utterly worthless and cares not one nought for your health or feelings. My last parting comment on this blog, will be PLEASE wake up to yourself!

  2. Woops, missed something out. You said you don't like to be alone. Well, whats the alternative? Staying in a loveless relationship, which only puts extra pressure on your immune system? Being alone is great, and by what you said before, you don't even have sex, so really, there is no relationship. No sex, no love, its purely like you 2 are boarders. You ARE ALONE, anyway! Emotionally, physically, sexually and spiritually. So, whats the difference?

    You have tonnes of friends by what you've said, the groups, lunches, etc. I'd rather be alone, than be a virtual prisoner, in a loveless clayton's relationship, which is what you are. Hell, I'd rather walk in front of a bus, than be in your situation. You are getting nothing, but STRESS! You have no relationship. If you have any self-respect, you will give Bo to one of the miriad of other people who all want him, or give him to Tony and tell him to leave. Preferrably the latter, if you value your health, sanity and self-respect. Good luck for the future, I just can no longer read a person throw away and destroy their life. Its too painful for me to watch.
