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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 16, 2009 Wednesday Afternoon

Just got back from the doctor. My viral load is still undetectable. That is good. My TCell count is now at to 332. Up from 315 last blood test, and up from 106 last January. My cholesterol levels are still not good but the doctor is not as concerned because I have no history of problems in my family. I also can stop taking Fluconazole and Acyclovir daily when the current prescription runs out. Two less pills to take each day since he says my counts are high enough and the meds are no longer needed. My vitamin D levels are very low and of some concern so the doctor has me taking a vitamin D twice daily. The doctor is still very happy with how I have progressed and graduated me from AIDS to HIV+. I told him I appreciated the gesture but know that once you are diagnosed with AIDS you never go back to just HIV+. But it was a nice thought. Also got a pneumonia shot while I was there. Didn't know one existed. So there it is. Looks like I am going to be around for a while.

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