Yesterday I was up by 6:30 AM. Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot. Took until about 9 AM for Vito to finish his food. Before Tony left for work I had him pull out a tree that had grown in the front yard about 4 feet tall. We let it grow from a sprout and now think it is not such a good idea to have it in the front yard being such a messy tree like the others we have in the yard. Rather than just cut it down, Tony pulled it out, roots and all, and put it in the back yard to pick up later with his truck. Tony came home around 9:30 AM to get the tree, and in the rain, planted it in the field in back of his shop. It is things like this that make me love him so much. Taking the time to keep a tree alive says a lot about someones personality and make up. Most would have just cut the damn tree down and not given it a second thought. Since we let the tree grow as tall in the last 3 years as it did, we felt responsible for keeping it alive. Went grocery shopping about 10 AM and spent over $150 on food. I swear we are stocked with food for a month. LOL. Spent the afternoon working on building a fountain on the one side of the pond. My back is still hurting but I just can not lay around in pain all day. The fountain ended up turning out OK and I took a picture of it today to post on this blog. I still have some finishing work to do around it.
Got up this morning at 6 AM and was throwing up by 6:30 AM. Here goes my back again. Got the dogs fed, Vito his shot, and Tony left for work a little after 7 AM. It is raining again today. Rained off and on all day yesterday and today looks the same. Have a board meeting this afternoon at ARCW. Starting to look like Tony and I will be taking care of one of Tony's nephews next week for a few days. Not sure if I have the strength. Told Tony if we have him as planned from Sunday to Thursday he will have to take a few of those days off work to help and go places with me and the kid. Tony needs some days off anyway from work. Going to get into the shower and get going with the day. Still watching the Casey Anthony trial on TV. Can't wait until the defense puts the family and Casey on the stand.
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