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Friday, August 21, 2009

August 21, 2009 Friday Night

My new BMW is smashed...............

Thursday afternoon I went to my Client Advisory Board meeting and then came home and did a little fixing of the deck boards on the side deck. Made some canned chili for dinner and went to bed around 10 PM after we finished watching the last episodes of season 4 of Weeds. This morning I got up but since it was a cloudy day I had a very hard time getting going. I went back to bed shortly after Tony left for work and laid in bed until around 10:30 AM. I didn't even do my usual Friday morning grocery shopping because I was so tired. Got up and showered so I was ready for Tony to pick me up and go to lunch with the guys. Had a great lunch with the guys. The food was not as good this time for Tony or I. On the way home from lunch, Tony driving my new BMW, a van pulled out in front of us. He has yet to officially give me the BMW until I quit smoking, so I have not even driven it yet. We were stopped at a red light. The light turned green so we proceeded to go through the intersection just as a van heading the opposite way decided to cut in front of us making a left turn right in front of all the cars going straight through the green light. I yelled Tony's name and in slow motion, brakes squealing, metal crunching, we slammed right into the side of the van. It all happened in slow motion but to fast to do much reacting. The old guy driving the Sta Kleen Janitory van looked like he shouldn't even be driving a car. I was so pissed. Tony took it in stride even though he also ended up getting a ticket because the car has yet to be registered in my name or have plates. Tony has 10 days to get the plates and the ticket will be removed from his record. The van driver got a 'failure to yield to right away' ticket. Already gave my recorded report of the accident to our insurance agent. Not sure if the van driver has insurance since at the time of the accident when the cop asked him he said he couldn't remember what insurance he has. Since he was driving a company van I think we are in good shape. The good news is neither Tony or I were hurt beyond having a little shoulder, neck and back pain. We both also have a low grade headache. I took a pain pill and told the insurance agent we would both go to emergency tomorrow if the pain does not go away. Sucks that my new BWM I never even drove, rode in maybe three times is now smashed. Of course it helps I have a man who works on cars for a living in my back pocket. Tony looks at this as a windfall. LOL. Spent the afternoon just laying around listening to music. Made some TV dinners for supper and now just watching some horror flicks on the Chill network. Nothing good on regular TV tonight. Tony did give Barkley a bath tonight and I dried him, hopefully a bath and this neck cone will help his sores go away. If it doesn't he will have to go back to the vet next week for an antibiotic. Kali's eye looks good today. I put ointment in it first thing this morning and it has been looking good all day. Cross your fingers I don't have to still take her to the vet. I feel like taking up donations for these misfits. They all need teeth cleaning and vet appointments. Thank god no major ailments. If I won the lottery they would all have their teeth cleaned on the same day.

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