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Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15, 2010 Monday Night

Got the dogs fed and Tony off to work this morning by 7:30 AM. Spent the morning listening to some old disco music while cleaning the house. Dusted, vacuumed and put some more Christmas decorations up around the house. Made myself some tomato soup for lunch and talked to my mom on the phone early this afternoon. Spent about an hour taking a nap with the dogs. Visited my usual web sights which includes Read a story about lesbian's being kicked out of an Oklahoma school. In the story the phone number of the Principal was given so I decided to call and leave my two cents. I left a message with my phone number. Basically left a message that if the story is true they should all be ashamed of themselves. About 10 minutes after leaving the message the Principal of the Oklahoma school returned my call. I was shocked. We had a very nice conversation and it does go to show there are two sides of every story. She was very concerned about the news story and has three children of her own. She assured me there was more to the story and that the school is very tolerant and the lesbians have graduated and every gay or lesbian student is welcome in their school. It was really a nice conversation and I felt very good after it. I was saddened to hear from the Principal that of the over 75 hateful, threatening messages, that I was the only message that left a return phone number. After our conversation I posted on my conversation and how wrong the gay community is to leave hateful messages without a return phone number to hear the other side. It is not fair. The Principal is so sorry this story got out of hand and wishes she had a way to reach the media again with her side. Once something like this is printed or reported we all know it takes on a life of it's own. I felt good, I got what I wanted to say out there, and got the response I would want to hear. I feel the Principal is a good person and mother. So, I guess the lesson is: If you leave a message about a differing opinion, be man enough to leave a return phone number so you can get a response and possibly a different perspective. Made a Turkey roast and mac and cheese for dinner with a salad. Tony was home by 5:30 PM tonight. Spending the night watching Dancing With The Stars and Castle before going to bed. I was suppose to have two appointments at ARCW tomorrow, one being a dentist cleaning and one being to talk to my therapist. I got a call this afternoon that the dental appointment had to be rescheduled because of a conflict. I must admit this happens almost every dental appointment at ARCW here in Milwaukee. Took Stella for a walk late this afternoon to enjoy the 50 degree weather here. It won't last forever.

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