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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9, 2010 Tuesday Night

Did a lot of research on the Internet last night and my money is on a groin hernia. Everything I read and the pictures I look at seem to tell me that is what I have going on. Spent the night watching Dancing With The Stars and Castle before going to bed.

Got up this morning around 6:30 AM. After feeding the dogs and getting Tony off to work I spent the morning listening to music and reading the book Nine Days In Heaven that my mom gave me. Actually finished the book today. Made Tomato soup for lunch and then took a long nap all afternoon with the dogs. Made spaghetti for dinner and now I am ready to settle in for the night. I did get a call from the nurse today, no test results yet, but I have a CT scan tomorrow at 8 AM. The worst part will be the drinking of two bottle of barium. Had this test many many years ago for bowel problems and the drinking of the nasty tasting stuff is the worst. Remember well after the scan having to run to the bathroom and 'discharge' it all. At least this test will be over by tomorrow night and my doctor's next week will have all the test results to tell me what is going on and what is next. Going to the couch. The pain is a four and getting worse. Glad I finally broke down and having this looked at and didn't wait any longer. Thank you Megan for the comment on your dad, it is appreciated.

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