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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 24, 2010 Wednesday Dinner Time

Last night we watched the final to Dancing With The Stars. Although Bristol Palin had no business being in the final, I was glad how the ranking turned out. It would have been a more exciting show if Brandy and Jennifer Grey had BOTH been in the final. I was so glad to see my boy Derik Hough and Jennifer Grey win the trophy. Went to bed shortly after the show ended at 10 PM.

This morning I was up by 6 AM and got the dogs fed and Tony off to work. Tony was already not in a good mood by the time I got up since he had cleaned up two messes from the dog we are dog sitting. As much as I love this dog, I hope this is the last time we have to take care of him since he is so old and has lost his bowel strength. Watched the DWTS cast on Good Morning America before showering and heading out for my doctor appointment. The doctor thinks I should continue another two week course of the antibiotic before we proceed with anything else. He also suggested taking two Anti diarrheal pills prior to going to bed each night to help with the morning bowel movements. I will try it starting tonight. Came home after stopping at Walgreen's and picking up my prescriptions. Made tomato soup again for lunch and then took a two hour nap with the dogs. When I got up at 3 PM it was snowing outside. Did a little around the house and am making hamburgers and beans for dinner with a salad. I just hope Tony didn't have hamburgers for lunch. Either way he is having them again for dinner tonight. Will spend the night watching the ABC lineup on TV before going to bed. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to all my followers. Maybe anyone reading this blog could this one time comment and tell me what they are most thankful for this year. I am most thankful that I am still able to get up each morning and go to bed each night, mostly, just to be alive. I also am thankful for all the followers and such that have responded so positively to my blog and continue to follow my daily activities. I consider you all friends. Thank you.

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