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Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 21, 2010 Sunday Night

Had a great lunch on Friday with the guys. Came home and spent the afternoon listening to music and cleaning the house. Tony got home around 6 PM and we spent the night watching two movies: The Kids Are All Right and Dream Boy. Dream Boy was better than The Kids Are All Right. I have a problem with movies like TKAAR when one of the main gay characters who is a lesbian in the movie, then sleeps with a man. I think straight people see movies like this and think gay people can 'choose' who they want to sleep with. Fact it, if your gay, your gay. You don't go sleeping with someone of the opposite sex unless you bi. Movie like that just feed into the though that being gay is a 'choice'. Went to bed around 10:30 PM.

Saturday morning after reading the newspaper, making a bagel for us for breakfast, we showered and went to Farm And Fleet. Spent $250 on candy and stuff for Christmas. We did buy a lot of chocolate, nuts and candy. Here comes the weight eating all this. We should have gone to Farm and Fleet prior to lunch at Taco Bell. LOL. Stopped off at Tony's brothers house who recently found out he is stage four cancer. He was not home but we spent and hour talking to his wife. I think she needed it. Came home and took an hour nap before getting up and spending the night watching TV shows I DVR'd during the week. We went to bed around 10:00 PM.

Sunday we got up, fed the dogs, read a little of the Sunday newspaper and then showered and drove to Tony's mom's house on the south side taking her out for breakfast. After breakfast we went to Target to do some more Christmas shopping. Spent another $225.00. The good news I am almost done with all our Christmas shopping for the family. I can now just concentrate on things to buy Tony for Christmas. We did not buy any more candy at Target. Tony had a bag of some kind of candy in the cart and looked at him and said 'no more candy'. Got home around 1 PM and spent the afternoon watching the movie The Box on HBO. HBO and Showtime are free this weekend. Walked across the alley and talked with the neighbor for about a half hour before coming back home and watching more TV. It is almost 50 degrees today but cloudy and drizzling. Not a good day. Made salad, soup and bread sticks for dinner. We are now watching Law And Order SVU I DVR'd last week and will then settle in the the Music Awards on ABC tonight. Tomorrow it is suppose to again be about 50 degrees and then winter comes to Wisconsin. By Thursday we are expecting a high in the 20s and snow. YUCK! Tomorrow I have a therapy appointment later in the morning and that's it until Wednesday when I am suppose to go in for a follow up appointment for the pain I had in my prostate. Since the pain is gone and the antibiotic has done it's job I am most likely going to cancel the appointment. No sense in spending $50 to see the doctor to have him tell me he is glad to see I am better. Am so happy to see my visitor counter raise. I have always had a goal of having 10,000 visitors by January 2011. That would be two years to the day of setting up this blog. I think I just might get there since I am over 9000 already. Glad so many of you read my blog and again Thank You. I do it for me as much as you.

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