Friday morning after getting Tony off to work and feeding the dogs I went back to bed for a while. Was tired and just not ready to start the day. Got up around 10:30 AM, or should I say got out of bed at that time since the dogs were not happy to go back to sleep after just waking up in the morning. Bo is such a pain in the ass sometimes being a puppy. He will be a year old this December 22nd. Got up and showered and then went to lunch with Tony to meet the guys for our regular Friday lunch at Baker's Square. Had a great lunch as usual. I know I say that every Friday about lunch, but it really is a great hour of the week. We talk, share, and mostly laugh. Came home and spent the afternoon doing a little cleaning and listened to music. Tony came home from work around 6 PM and I made a salad and TV dinners for dinner. Never hungry on a Friday night from having a big lunch. Got an email from someone I posted a response to on It is always so nice to hear from others how they do enjoy my blog. It makes it all worth while. Spent the night watching TV that we DVR'd during the week. Went to bed around 10:30 PM.
This morning we got up around 7 AM and after feeding the dogs and reading a little of the Milwaukee Journal morning paper I made us some Breakfast Bowls for breakfast. After breakfast we started cleaning out the rain gutters and leaves around the yard because it is about 50 degrees today and doesn't look like it will be much warmer until Spring. Got to get it done now before the snow starts falling. Tony left for work around 10:30 AM to pick up an employee and bring him back home to help remove an old refrigerator that is in the back storage garage where Tony stores his Cadillac for the winter so the car he drives daily can be put in the regular garage. Not going to be driving the Cadillac until next fall. Plus, I hate it being in the garage that I also park in because if I was to accidentally dent it or ding it I would never hear the last of it. I know from experience. While he was gone I called his brother's wife to say we are here for her and Tony's brother who just found out he has stage 4 cancer. I wanted her to know that if she needs anything we are here for her and him. After Tony got home again from the shop I was showered so we got in the car to do some other things I wanted to get done. Went to Sears to buy another garage door opener that I can keep in the bedroom. Call me crazy but I want to have a garage door opener, extra set of keeps for the cars and such in the bedroom. The crazy part is because I always think that if there is a fire we will have to get out through the bedroom windows and where do we put the 5 dogs as the house burns down. The garage is detached from the house. I guess it is just another one of my fears. Maybe someday, not that I am hoping for it, I will prove myself correct in preparing and we will all be safe if a fire should happen. We then went to the jewelry store to have my wedding ring made a size larger. It is really tight on my finger and makes me feel claustrophobic. Crazy again I know. Plus I get a rash under it so I take it off at night. So I need it easier to put on and off or I just don't wear it lately. Ate lunch in the mall and bought some sweat shirts at Boston Store before getting the ring back at the jewelry store. Much better fit now. After we left the mall we went to the Sprint store because Tony needed a new cell phone. Got one that was only $10 after rebate. Neither of us need anything more than a basic phone. Heck, we both can not text and can't read one with our bad eyes even if we got one. We have the computers at home and office so we do not need a phone that connects to the Internet. So all either of us needs is a basic phone with a camera. After the Sprint store we stopped off at Home Depot to pick up two new glass panels to replace the one's that broke and smashed in the wind storm this last week. I will install them next week during the week. Got home and of course we could not get the new garage door remote to work so it will have to be returned next week at Sears. Tony then moved the Cadillac into the back storage garage while I did things around the house. By this time it was around 4 PM and we watched the end of the movie The Hills Have Eyes. It is a horror movie. Fed the dogs and made a couple cans of chili and salads for dinner. Will spend the rest of the night watching more TV I DVR'd during the week before going to bed. Will most likely go to breakfast with Tony's mom tomorrow since we have not in a few weeks and I try to make sure we see her by this time. Later in the day we have a party to go to at a bar. It is another fund raiser for the Milwaukee Bully Breed Club to protect Pitbulls from fighting or being fought with. It is also to bring awareness to the fact that not all Pitbulls are bad dogs. We will most likely go around dinner time and have a couple drinks before coming home and settling in for the night Sunday night. I can't believe it is going to be November in two days. Time goes so fast it is scary.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
October 28, 2010 Thursday Dinner Time
Yesterday afternoon the wind was so bad here in Milwaukee it caused damage around the house and yard. I lost three glass panels on the overhang off the side deck, one of two rainbow flags and poles blew down from the house, and the canopy over the back car came off the ground smashing into Tony's car parked under it so we took the cover off. Tony got snapped in the eye as we were removing the cover of the canopy and hurt his eye. I did not show much sympathy since I don't get much from him. The upstairs deck furniture is everywhere, and the lattice around the rails all came loose and banged around all night long. Of course with our bedroom right below the deck the dogs barked all night long at every noise. Went to bed before 10 PM because even SVU Los Angeles was a rerun. Jeez, the original episode was just 2 weeks ago and they are already showing it as a rerun?
This morning as Tony walked out the door I told him I would be going grocery shopping this morning before my board meeting this afternoon. I also informed him I am going to make an appointment to go back into counseling. He told me 'it is a good idea' because I don't seem very happy lately. I told him 'I am not happy because all I do is take care of the house, the dogs, him and no one every takes care of me'. I went on to say 'when you sent your employee to get you chili yesterday for lunch did you think maybe I might want some'? I went on to say I am so tired of everyone taking care of him and no one taking care of me. He said 'then I guess you need more counseling'. I then told him 'the reason I need counseling is to help me be with him and that if I don't get some help soon I am ready to end this relationship'. He walked out of the house. I went grocery shopping after feeding the dogs and showering. When I got home I checked my receipt and noticed all the items I bought on sale did not reflect the sale price and that my card must not have scanned properly. So I went back to the grocery store and got $17 in saving I should have gotten when shopping. Seventeen dollars is $17 dollars in my book so it was worth going back to the grocery store. I then went to my meeting which was very good and made me feel appreciated. I go back for counseling on November 8th to hopefully give me some sanity. When I returned home there was a small vase of flowers and some cup cakes on the stove. He wrote, 'just thinking of you'. How nice, finally. I called and thanked him of course. Listened and made some edits to my newest dance mix. I will post it tonight or tomorrow. Tonight we will just stay in and watch TV since it is in the 40s today in Milwaukee. Getting cold and that means winter is almost here. Yuck!
This morning as Tony walked out the door I told him I would be going grocery shopping this morning before my board meeting this afternoon. I also informed him I am going to make an appointment to go back into counseling. He told me 'it is a good idea' because I don't seem very happy lately. I told him 'I am not happy because all I do is take care of the house, the dogs, him and no one every takes care of me'. I went on to say 'when you sent your employee to get you chili yesterday for lunch did you think maybe I might want some'? I went on to say I am so tired of everyone taking care of him and no one taking care of me. He said 'then I guess you need more counseling'. I then told him 'the reason I need counseling is to help me be with him and that if I don't get some help soon I am ready to end this relationship'. He walked out of the house. I went grocery shopping after feeding the dogs and showering. When I got home I checked my receipt and noticed all the items I bought on sale did not reflect the sale price and that my card must not have scanned properly. So I went back to the grocery store and got $17 in saving I should have gotten when shopping. Seventeen dollars is $17 dollars in my book so it was worth going back to the grocery store. I then went to my meeting which was very good and made me feel appreciated. I go back for counseling on November 8th to hopefully give me some sanity. When I returned home there was a small vase of flowers and some cup cakes on the stove. He wrote, 'just thinking of you'. How nice, finally. I called and thanked him of course. Listened and made some edits to my newest dance mix. I will post it tonight or tomorrow. Tonight we will just stay in and watch TV since it is in the 40s today in Milwaukee. Getting cold and that means winter is almost here. Yuck!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
October 27, 2010 Wednesday Afternoon
What a wild windy couple of days here in Milwaukee.
Shortly after I posted yesterday a tornado swept through Racine which is just south of Milwaukee. It is so windy here in Milwaukee I am fearful my small dogs might be blown away when they go outside. Wind gusts have been over 60 miles and hour at times. The canopy over the driveway is still standing because I did a little more securing of it. I keep looking out the window every once in a while to make sure it is still standing. Spent yesterday just doing little things around the house. I still have a very bad sore throat, and my bladder still hurts. I promise if this is not better by next week to call my doctor. I think the sore throat is from allergies, the strong winds stirring up the pollen, and the fact we need a good freeze to help out. I made another music mix yesterday afternoon. Might be my last since I read today the courts have shut down Limewire where I download my music and movies. Tried to get on Limewire this morning and a message comes up saying the sight is not running and no time frame if it will ever go online again. I will spend this afternoon listening to the mix and making changes before I post it. This makes me so sad since downloading, listening and making mixes from music is one of my favorite hobbies. Made boneless ribs, mashed potato and corn for dinner with a salad. Spent the night watching No Ordinary Family, Dancing Results show, and The Good Wife as we listened to the wind howl outside. Went to bed around 10 PM. We were awaken many times during the night as you could hear things blowing around the upstairs deck above the bedroom and outside in the yard. Of course the dogs bark at every noise. A friend dropped off his dog around dinner time for us to dog sit until Thursday because he has jury duty and is afraid he might not be allowed to go home. He would rather be safe than sorry. I need a sixth dog around the house like a hole in the head. It just adds to the stress around the house because the dog is so old and has obvious mind problems.
This morning I got Tony off to work after feeding the dogs. Made myself a breakfast bowl that is sold in the grocery stores that contains eggs, potato and bacon. Have pretty much just spent the morning watching TV. I have no ambition today, it is so cold outside, and the wind is blowing again so strong. In fact about an hour ago I heard a huge crashing noise and when I ran to the side of the house I could see the wind had blown half the covering over the deck off and in pieces. The canopy is not looking good and has to make it through one more day. Think I will spend the afternoon listening to music and snuggling with the dogs. It is really cold and windy and I have no intentions on going outside unless I have to. Looking forward to the ABC comedy lineup tonight on TV. I do have a board meeting tomorrow and have decided to make an appointment to go back into counseling. I have a lot of issues I need to talk about. I made a list the other day. Basically I am feeling very scared about the future, feeling like I am not as nice a person as I should be, and having a hard time feeling any energy or hope for the future. I worry way to much about health insurance, paying the bills, having HIV, getting my HIV meds in the future, feeling worthless, feeling combative, and just not happy overall. My thought is I need more therapy and since it is free at ARCW and helped me after my initial diagnosis I want to get back into it before I hit rock bottom. I am scared to leave the house, feel I have no future, and it is affecting my relationship with Tony. The relationship has not been good lately at all. Something has to change. Any stress is too much for me lately. I wish I could talk to Tony about these things but he is so wrapped up in his own world he just doesn't understand. Hopefully going back into counseling or therapy will help.
Shortly after I posted yesterday a tornado swept through Racine which is just south of Milwaukee. It is so windy here in Milwaukee I am fearful my small dogs might be blown away when they go outside. Wind gusts have been over 60 miles and hour at times. The canopy over the driveway is still standing because I did a little more securing of it. I keep looking out the window every once in a while to make sure it is still standing. Spent yesterday just doing little things around the house. I still have a very bad sore throat, and my bladder still hurts. I promise if this is not better by next week to call my doctor. I think the sore throat is from allergies, the strong winds stirring up the pollen, and the fact we need a good freeze to help out. I made another music mix yesterday afternoon. Might be my last since I read today the courts have shut down Limewire where I download my music and movies. Tried to get on Limewire this morning and a message comes up saying the sight is not running and no time frame if it will ever go online again. I will spend this afternoon listening to the mix and making changes before I post it. This makes me so sad since downloading, listening and making mixes from music is one of my favorite hobbies. Made boneless ribs, mashed potato and corn for dinner with a salad. Spent the night watching No Ordinary Family, Dancing Results show, and The Good Wife as we listened to the wind howl outside. Went to bed around 10 PM. We were awaken many times during the night as you could hear things blowing around the upstairs deck above the bedroom and outside in the yard. Of course the dogs bark at every noise. A friend dropped off his dog around dinner time for us to dog sit until Thursday because he has jury duty and is afraid he might not be allowed to go home. He would rather be safe than sorry. I need a sixth dog around the house like a hole in the head. It just adds to the stress around the house because the dog is so old and has obvious mind problems.
This morning I got Tony off to work after feeding the dogs. Made myself a breakfast bowl that is sold in the grocery stores that contains eggs, potato and bacon. Have pretty much just spent the morning watching TV. I have no ambition today, it is so cold outside, and the wind is blowing again so strong. In fact about an hour ago I heard a huge crashing noise and when I ran to the side of the house I could see the wind had blown half the covering over the deck off and in pieces. The canopy is not looking good and has to make it through one more day. Think I will spend the afternoon listening to music and snuggling with the dogs. It is really cold and windy and I have no intentions on going outside unless I have to. Looking forward to the ABC comedy lineup tonight on TV. I do have a board meeting tomorrow and have decided to make an appointment to go back into counseling. I have a lot of issues I need to talk about. I made a list the other day. Basically I am feeling very scared about the future, feeling like I am not as nice a person as I should be, and having a hard time feeling any energy or hope for the future. I worry way to much about health insurance, paying the bills, having HIV, getting my HIV meds in the future, feeling worthless, feeling combative, and just not happy overall. My thought is I need more therapy and since it is free at ARCW and helped me after my initial diagnosis I want to get back into it before I hit rock bottom. I am scared to leave the house, feel I have no future, and it is affecting my relationship with Tony. The relationship has not been good lately at all. Something has to change. Any stress is too much for me lately. I wish I could talk to Tony about these things but he is so wrapped up in his own world he just doesn't understand. Hopefully going back into counseling or therapy will help.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October 26, 2010 Tuesday Morning
Should be an interesting next 36 hours here in Milwaukee.
Saturday afternoon we went to a Pitbull fundraiser here in Milwaukee. We are members of the Milwaukee Bully Breed which supports ending dog fighting. We spent about 2 hours at the event watching the dogs do tricks and buying things from the vendors that were at the event. Came home and took a little nap before we headed out for the night to see the play Cabaret. It was very good. Got home after 11 PM and went to bed around midnight after watching a little of SNL. Am I the only one who things this season of Saturday Night Live sucks?
Sunday morning after getting the dogs fed and reading the morning newspaper we went out for breakfast here on the East side. Had a good breakfast. Spent the afternoon watching TV, all the shows I DVR'd during the week. Sunday night we watched Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters before going to bed.
Monday after feeding the dogs and getting Tony off to work I showered and then went to Walgreen's to pick up two prescriptions and a few items on sale before heading home. When I got home Stella was limping, walking on only 3 legs. Don't know what she did while I was gone but the knee she had surgery on about 6 months ago was not tracking properly and she was in pain. Gave her a doggie pain pill and spent the entire day laying next to her to keep her calm and not moving. Called Tony about 4 PM and asked him to come home early since I had a meeting to go to and I wanted him home prior to leaving for that meeting to keep an eye on Stella and keep her down and not trying to walk. Gave him stick instructions. Of course when I got home from my meeting Tony was standing in the kitchen eating some snacks and the dogs were all jumping around him. Guess he can't follow instruction for even two hours. So sad how he is so into his own happiness and can't give to anyone else or give up anything for anyone else, much less a dog. After a little yelling at him I spent the night watching TV on the couch with Stella. We went to bed around 9 PM to watch TV in bed with Stella. She was walking on the leg now a little. Before I went to my meeting my tenant told me he got a job in Texas and he would be moving out by December first. Told him to put it in writing before November 1st and to let his roommate know we expect the same from him as to whether he is staying, getting another roommate or moving also. This is not good. Finding a new tenant for December or January 1st is not going to be easy and I need the income. Had a very hard time trying to get to sleep and finally listened to some music on my IPod until about 1 AM before getting a little sleep for the night. My bladder and throat still are not good and I will make a doctor appointment by the end of the week if neither gets better.
This morning it is like being in a hurricane here in Milwaukee. It is raining and very very windy. We are expected to get the worse wind storm on record here in Milwaukee which is said to last through Wednesday night. I did tighten down some things outside yesterday in preparation of this storm. Hopefully the car canopy will not blow away. If it gets any worse I will have to take the top of the canopy off. Winds are suppose to be at 50 to 60 miles an hour through Wednesday night and we are bracing for power outages and tree damage. Tony just left for work so I am on my own for the day. Will stay in today since I don't have a reason to leave the house and it is best to not go out in this storm. The wind is already very strong and expected to get worse as the day goes on. Not very happy right now in my relationship with Tony. He is so self centered he never even asked me how my meeting was last night when I got home. Seems all he cares about is himself. Not sure how long I can put up with this with him. Something has to change. Going to log off so if the power goes out my computer is safe. Schools are even closing because of the high winds and damage being reported. Should be an interesting next 36 hours. It is 65 degrees right now and expected to drop like a rock to 45 degrees by tomorrow. We are now under a tornado warning, the news report just broke in and said.
Saturday afternoon we went to a Pitbull fundraiser here in Milwaukee. We are members of the Milwaukee Bully Breed which supports ending dog fighting. We spent about 2 hours at the event watching the dogs do tricks and buying things from the vendors that were at the event. Came home and took a little nap before we headed out for the night to see the play Cabaret. It was very good. Got home after 11 PM and went to bed around midnight after watching a little of SNL. Am I the only one who things this season of Saturday Night Live sucks?
Sunday morning after getting the dogs fed and reading the morning newspaper we went out for breakfast here on the East side. Had a good breakfast. Spent the afternoon watching TV, all the shows I DVR'd during the week. Sunday night we watched Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters before going to bed.
Monday after feeding the dogs and getting Tony off to work I showered and then went to Walgreen's to pick up two prescriptions and a few items on sale before heading home. When I got home Stella was limping, walking on only 3 legs. Don't know what she did while I was gone but the knee she had surgery on about 6 months ago was not tracking properly and she was in pain. Gave her a doggie pain pill and spent the entire day laying next to her to keep her calm and not moving. Called Tony about 4 PM and asked him to come home early since I had a meeting to go to and I wanted him home prior to leaving for that meeting to keep an eye on Stella and keep her down and not trying to walk. Gave him stick instructions. Of course when I got home from my meeting Tony was standing in the kitchen eating some snacks and the dogs were all jumping around him. Guess he can't follow instruction for even two hours. So sad how he is so into his own happiness and can't give to anyone else or give up anything for anyone else, much less a dog. After a little yelling at him I spent the night watching TV on the couch with Stella. We went to bed around 9 PM to watch TV in bed with Stella. She was walking on the leg now a little. Before I went to my meeting my tenant told me he got a job in Texas and he would be moving out by December first. Told him to put it in writing before November 1st and to let his roommate know we expect the same from him as to whether he is staying, getting another roommate or moving also. This is not good. Finding a new tenant for December or January 1st is not going to be easy and I need the income. Had a very hard time trying to get to sleep and finally listened to some music on my IPod until about 1 AM before getting a little sleep for the night. My bladder and throat still are not good and I will make a doctor appointment by the end of the week if neither gets better.
This morning it is like being in a hurricane here in Milwaukee. It is raining and very very windy. We are expected to get the worse wind storm on record here in Milwaukee which is said to last through Wednesday night. I did tighten down some things outside yesterday in preparation of this storm. Hopefully the car canopy will not blow away. If it gets any worse I will have to take the top of the canopy off. Winds are suppose to be at 50 to 60 miles an hour through Wednesday night and we are bracing for power outages and tree damage. Tony just left for work so I am on my own for the day. Will stay in today since I don't have a reason to leave the house and it is best to not go out in this storm. The wind is already very strong and expected to get worse as the day goes on. Not very happy right now in my relationship with Tony. He is so self centered he never even asked me how my meeting was last night when I got home. Seems all he cares about is himself. Not sure how long I can put up with this with him. Something has to change. Going to log off so if the power goes out my computer is safe. Schools are even closing because of the high winds and damage being reported. Should be an interesting next 36 hours. It is 65 degrees right now and expected to drop like a rock to 45 degrees by tomorrow. We are now under a tornado warning, the news report just broke in and said.
Friday, October 22, 2010
October 22, 2010 Friday Night
Got up this morning around 6:30 AM and got my morning going with the usual routine of feeding the dogs and getting Tony off to work. Read a little of the Milwaukee Journal before taking a shower so I could get Barkley to the vet for his 9 AM appointment. Took him there and $92 later I was told what I already knew, he staph infection is back that he gets twice a year usually in the fall and spring. It is allergy related and even though we bath him regularly and have him on special food he still gets it twice a year. I found out after I adopted him two years ago at the age of 8 that that is the reason his owner's gave him up, because they got sick of him having skin infections and the vet bills. Oh well, no turning back now. Once you adopt a dog or any animal it is one's job to keep them until the end, as far as I am concerned. That or you don't adopt an animal. Period! Got home from the vet and spent the rest of the morning doing a little cleaning around the house before going to our regular Friday lunch for support with the usual guys. Had a great lunch. I think though I might have a bladder infection starting. It hurts, or should I say, is uncomfortable in that area. I have had them in the past and it feels the same. I started an antibiotic of Ciprofloxacin 500mg which I have here at home, since I just hate going to the doctor and really can not afford it. I will take the antibiotic for the weekend and if the pain does not improve or get worse I will make a doctor appointment on Monday. I did a little research on the Internet about bladder infections and the antibiotic I started today is listed. Like I said though, if it doesn't get better by Monday I will see a doctor to make sure. Why does this stuff always happen on a weekend? I would say the discomfort is a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being most painful. Got home from lunch and took a two hour nap with the dogs. Jumped out of bed having another vivid dream. They are happening more frequently it seems. I will have to discuss this with my AIDS doctor in January which is the next time I see him. I really hate the thought of switching meds and the dreams are not so bad that I would, but it is something I have to consider in the future if this continues. I wake up every morning in a very vivid weird type dream, sometime screaming. The other morning Tony woke me up at 5 AM shouting something in my sleep. Made some salads for dinner and if Tony is hungry for more I will make a frozen pizza for dinner with the salad. You might have noticed the Top AIDS Blog Award at the top of my blog. I received it today from the organization called Medical Coding And Billing and . I was picked as one of the top 20 AIDS informative blogs or web sights. How cool, hey? If anyone had anything to do with nominating me, Thank You. It really does mean a lot since it feels good to know all the time I put into this blog is read and appreciated by someone, much less anyone. Will spend the night watching the Senate debates which I usually would not watch since I already know who I am voting for. I will watch them just to hear what the Republican candidate has to say because the race is not looking good for Democrats in Wisconsin this year. Scares the hell out of me if the Republicans get in office. I am sure I will loose ADAP support and funding if they get in office. I could never afford my $700 health insurance or my monthly Atripla without it. What does a person do? Die of AIDS? Like I said, it scares the hell out of me. After the debates we will most likely watch shows we DVR'd during the week or past weeks. Tomorrow we will go to a fund raiser for The Milwaukee Bully Breed Club which is trying to stop dog fighting here in Wisconsin. It also is to inform people about Pit Bulls, the breed, not the myths. Tomorrow night I have tickets to go see the play Cabaret I got for free a month or so ago for being a part of a focus group. I think it will be good, I do love most musicals. It is suppose to rain this weekend in Milwaukee. We do need the rain.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
October 21, 2010 Thursday Afternoon
Kali continued to throw up a couple more times until about 7:30 PM. I think because I put a tshirt on her she got over heated. She slept in my arms most of the night. Tony and I fought like cats and dogs all night. He is sometimes such an asshole. Even when I would ask him to watch the dogs as I went into the other room I would come back and Kali and Bo would be licking and he just sat there watching TV. I told him it is one thing to do EVERYTHING around here, but when you have a partner it is not too much to expect some help. I then told him if he wasn't going to help with the house and dogs from this point forward, and I have to do it all myself, there is no need for him to be around and he should pack his bags and move out. I was so mad at him by the time we went to bed. At one point I was petting Bo and noticed his back, towards his tail, has scabs everywhere. He obviously has the same allergy staph infection Barkley gets. Jeez, can I not get a break.
This morning I waited until he was ready to walk out the door at 7:30 AM and got up then. I then fed the dogs and took a shower. I then drove to Walmart to return a few of the outfits I bought for Bo the day before, then drove to the vet and picked up an antibiotic for Bo for his staph infection, and then drove to ARCW downtown and picked up my monthly food since the CAB board meeting today was postponed until next week. When I got home with my food from ARCW I was so mad to see most of the food was expired. EXPIRED! Some of the food had dates of February 2009. WTF? I called the food pantry to complain and then called the head of ARCW and let him know I was throwing my food away and that this was unacceptable. A person with HIV should not be eating expired food. I threw away almost every item of food I got from them today because it was expired. Since I got no food I then went to the grocery store and picked up a few items. It is sunny but in the 50s today in Milwaukee. At least if your in the sun it feels good. Going to take a short nap after this posting and when I get up start making dinner. I called Tony to let him know that he better do something / anything for me today or this will be the last dinner or anything I do for him, period! I am so tired of taking care of him and the household and getting no appreciation or anything nice done for me in return. He is so selfish and self centered and I am at the end of my rope. If I have to do it all myself I might as well have him 'hit the road'. Will spend the night watching TV tonight, most likely Big Bang Theory, Shit My Dad Says, Grey's Anatomy, and The Mentalist. I will DVR CSI and Outsourced. That's it for now, as you can tell I am not in a good mood and ready to end my relationship with Tony soon if things do not change fast.
This morning I waited until he was ready to walk out the door at 7:30 AM and got up then. I then fed the dogs and took a shower. I then drove to Walmart to return a few of the outfits I bought for Bo the day before, then drove to the vet and picked up an antibiotic for Bo for his staph infection, and then drove to ARCW downtown and picked up my monthly food since the CAB board meeting today was postponed until next week. When I got home with my food from ARCW I was so mad to see most of the food was expired. EXPIRED! Some of the food had dates of February 2009. WTF? I called the food pantry to complain and then called the head of ARCW and let him know I was throwing my food away and that this was unacceptable. A person with HIV should not be eating expired food. I threw away almost every item of food I got from them today because it was expired. Since I got no food I then went to the grocery store and picked up a few items. It is sunny but in the 50s today in Milwaukee. At least if your in the sun it feels good. Going to take a short nap after this posting and when I get up start making dinner. I called Tony to let him know that he better do something / anything for me today or this will be the last dinner or anything I do for him, period! I am so tired of taking care of him and the household and getting no appreciation or anything nice done for me in return. He is so selfish and self centered and I am at the end of my rope. If I have to do it all myself I might as well have him 'hit the road'. Will spend the night watching TV tonight, most likely Big Bang Theory, Shit My Dad Says, Grey's Anatomy, and The Mentalist. I will DVR CSI and Outsourced. That's it for now, as you can tell I am not in a good mood and ready to end my relationship with Tony soon if things do not change fast.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
October 20, 2010 Wednesday Dinner Time
After I posted yesterday I made a phone call to the PO Officer in charge of the convict that owes us money on our judgement since Tony keeps telling me he calls her, gets her message machine, has left at least 10 messages (or at least that is what I was being told), and she is not returning his calls. Well, she answered when I called and when I told her who I was and why I was calling she turned into a royal bitch and told me she has only gotten one call from Tony in the last few weeks. When I called Tony to tell him this he admitted he had been lieing to me about making calls to her to get me off his back. I was very mad and it was not a pleasant conversation from that point forward. I did end up going to the pet store and buying Bo an inflatable cone for around his neck so he doesn't lick. Got home and put it on him. He did not like it at first but by the end of the day he was getting used to it. Unfortunately he is a long dog and could still turn around enough to lick so it was not doing what it needed to do, except bother him. Spent the afternoon listening to music while I took a short nap. Made left overs for dinner from the pot roast the night before. Watched No Ordinary Family, Dancing With The Stars Results and The Good Wife before going to bed.
This morning I was at Walmart by 8 AM to buy some baby outfits for Bo to cover up his private areas so he could not lick them. Picked up about 4 outfits in different sizes, the kind babies wear that have snaps by the butt. Got home and put the one that fit best on Bo. I then drove back to the pet store to return the $25 cone I bought him since the $5 outfit was doing better than the cone from keeping him from licking. After I got home I figured I might as well get my last task done and went to Walgreen's to pick up a prescription. Came home and got a call from Tony telling me his older brother just told him he found out today he has stage 4 cancer in his throat and tongue. Not good news. Will find out more tonight. Spent and hour at the neighbors house talking with her about all the crap going on in my life. Came home and put a little grout on the new tile Tony put up on Sunday in the bathroom. I put a pork roast in the oven about 3:30 this afternoon. About 4 PM Kali started throwing up all over the house. She has thrown up about 5 times now and didn't keep down her dinner. I was hoping some food would settle her stomach, I was wrong because she has thrown up twice since eating. Going to spend the night next to her. Will let you know more tomorrow. Gotta run.
This morning I was at Walmart by 8 AM to buy some baby outfits for Bo to cover up his private areas so he could not lick them. Picked up about 4 outfits in different sizes, the kind babies wear that have snaps by the butt. Got home and put the one that fit best on Bo. I then drove back to the pet store to return the $25 cone I bought him since the $5 outfit was doing better than the cone from keeping him from licking. After I got home I figured I might as well get my last task done and went to Walgreen's to pick up a prescription. Came home and got a call from Tony telling me his older brother just told him he found out today he has stage 4 cancer in his throat and tongue. Not good news. Will find out more tonight. Spent and hour at the neighbors house talking with her about all the crap going on in my life. Came home and put a little grout on the new tile Tony put up on Sunday in the bathroom. I put a pork roast in the oven about 3:30 this afternoon. About 4 PM Kali started throwing up all over the house. She has thrown up about 5 times now and didn't keep down her dinner. I was hoping some food would settle her stomach, I was wrong because she has thrown up twice since eating. Going to spend the night next to her. Will let you know more tomorrow. Gotta run.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
October 19, 2010 Tuesday Morning
Monday morning Bo got me up at 5 AM to go outside and pee. Since I had to get a pee sample for the vet I had to get up and let him out rather than letting Tony do it. I did finally get a sample. After Tony left for work I drove to the vet to drop off the sample at 7:30 AM when they opened. Since I had a 10:30 AM vet appointment I wanted to make sure the vet tested the sample prior to me bringing him in to see why he has a problem with his penis area and if it was an infection. Came home and ate breakfast, took a shower and had Bo to the vet for his 10:30 AM appointment. The vet could not find anything wrong but said he needs his hair cut short because it is so thick and that might be the problem around the penis area. They did a little shaving of hair while he was at the vet. He was such a baby when the vet examined him. He cried and cried like a little baby even though the vet was doing nothing that was hurting him. Took him home and got on the Internet to talk with Norton Anti Virus for support since I keep getting cookies and they should be blocked. After an hour on the computer with Norton tech from India we thought we had the problem solved. I then got out the hair cutter and started cutting Bo's hair. It is very short now and he looks like he did as a puppy. Around lunch I did another virus scan and sure enough the cookies we thought we blocked were back. I then got online once again and spent another hour trying to fix the problem. I was assured it was fixed, yah right. Got a beef roast going on the stove with potatoes and carrots and took a short nap. When I got up I did a little more trimming on Bo since he still was licking and the problem with him has not stopped either. Tony came home and after dinner I checked again with a virus scan, the cookies were back. Now I am mad. I got on line again and after an hour on with the help desk the tech had no answers or a way to fix it. Seems every time I go on to get my email from Windows Live Email the cookies appear even though my settings should be blocking them. We blocked all cookies from getting on the computer. Not much help and the problem is not solved. Watched Dancing With The Stars and Castle before going to bed. Bo snuggled next to me all night because he was cold from having little hair.
This morning after getting the dogs fed and Tony off to work I tried to log onto my blog to do a post only to find that the settings the Norton's tech had me set did not allow me to go into the web sight to post. Had to put all the setting back to where they were yesterday morning just to get online. So I wasted about 3 hours with Norton's and now I am back to square one since I had to put the settings where I had them prior to yesterday's tech help. Today I have to do a little around the house and give Bo a bath. I also think I will remove the netting over the pond since the tree above it is almost empty of leaves. They few leaves that fall from this point forward I will have to scoop out daily until the last of the leaves fall. My mother just called and we talked about how we are so sick of all the political ads on TV that run non stop, especially here in Milwaukee where the election is very close. In fact it looks like the Republicans will be taking over our state, time to move to another state if that does happen in two weeks. Gave Bo his bath and now he is licking more than ever. I think I will go to the pet store and buy a cone for around his neck so he can not reach that area. That's all for now, will post more later.
This morning after getting the dogs fed and Tony off to work I tried to log onto my blog to do a post only to find that the settings the Norton's tech had me set did not allow me to go into the web sight to post. Had to put all the setting back to where they were yesterday morning just to get online. So I wasted about 3 hours with Norton's and now I am back to square one since I had to put the settings where I had them prior to yesterday's tech help. Today I have to do a little around the house and give Bo a bath. I also think I will remove the netting over the pond since the tree above it is almost empty of leaves. They few leaves that fall from this point forward I will have to scoop out daily until the last of the leaves fall. My mother just called and we talked about how we are so sick of all the political ads on TV that run non stop, especially here in Milwaukee where the election is very close. In fact it looks like the Republicans will be taking over our state, time to move to another state if that does happen in two weeks. Gave Bo his bath and now he is licking more than ever. I think I will go to the pet store and buy a cone for around his neck so he can not reach that area. That's all for now, will post more later.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
October 17, 2010 Sunday Dinner Time
This morning I actually was able to sleep and stay in bed until 7:30 AM before the dogs reminded me it was time to get up and feed them. Tony was already in the living room reading the Sunday Newspaper. Read a little of the newspaper before I made us breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and English muffins today for breakfast. I then got out the leaf blower and blew all the leaves in the front yard to the street, all the leaves in the side yard and back yard to the bark chip areas and even leaf blew the upstairs deck and a couple of the rain gutters I could reach. Tony started working on the bathroom tile and bathtub. I swear this bathroom project will never be completed at his pace. Did a little work on the computer backing up my files to an external hard drive and updated my blog to word perfect documents so if I ever loose this blog I have all my posts backed up. I then drove to Open Pantry and bought our weekly lottery tickets. When I got back I searched again on the Internet for a movie I saw as a kid and want to see so bad. I found it. It is called Run Wild Run Free. It is from 1969 about a boy and his horse. I ordered the DVD from Hollywood Home Cinema. I can't wait to get it. I just hope I enjoy it as much as I did seeing it as a child and again on TV many years after that. If anyone has seen this movie you know how good it is. Tony is still working on the bathroom but I think he is getting a little frustrated and will be quiting for the day soon. I have to figure out what I am going to make for dinner or what I am going to order to be delivered. I really have no ambition to cook so it will most likely be delivered from somewhere. Will spend the rest of the day watching TV getting ready for our usual Sunday night TV of Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters before going to bed. Had a good weekend. It was a little cooler today, in the mid 50s but the sun is out which makes a big difference. Tomorrow I have to take Bo to the vet in the morning to find out what his problem is. Of course since I made the vet appointment on Saturday he has not acted any different. I mentioned to Tony that I might cancel the appointment, he said 'no, he is going to the vet'. So I guess that is that. Updated the 6 week dry erase calender in the back hallway, can not believe Thanksgiving is only 6 weeks away, soon it will be Christmas and 2011. Time goes by so fast.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
October 16, 2010 Saturday Night
Friday morning I woke up feeling even better than I did on Thursday. I am so glad I am feeling better. Went back to the grocery store in the morning to buy a couple more things that were on sale and I also had coupons for. I am all about saving money. Pick N Save is only three blocks from our house so it is not a waste of time or gas. Had lunch with the guys. One of the guys Birthday is this week so I baked him a Birthday cake and brought it to our lunch at Baker's Square. We had a great lunch. The staff even came and sang him Happy Birthday which did not make him happy. LOL. Came home and did a little around the house before taking an hour nap with the dogs. Tony came home and we spent the night watching TV catching up on all the shows I DVR during the week. Went to bed around 10:30 PM.
Today we got up around 7 AM and after feeding the dogs we read the morning newspaper before I made us a little breakfast. Tony then worked on the bathroom tile for a short time while I did some leaf blowing outside. Tony then went to the shop to show a couple cars he has for sale while I listened to some music and did a little cleaning. I also made an appointment at the vet for Bo on Monday because last night he was not acting himself. I think he might have a bladder infection or something else going on. It is like something bites him, he runs, and then lays down real quick. It is apparent he is not happy so we need to find out what it is. I know it is not fleas so it has to be a bladder infection, which would also explain why he can't go the entire night without having to go out to pee once or twice during the night, waking us up to let him out. When he got home and after taking a shower we went to George Webb's for lunch and then went across the street to Walgreen's to pick up a couple prescriptions and get our flu shots. I hate needles as you all know so I went first to get it over with. After Walgreen's we went to the Halloween Store down the street in search of popcorn balls. Why are there no popcorn balls for sale any more. As a kid I remember popcorn balls and loving them. You can't find them in the grocery stores, Walgreen's, not even at the Halloween Store. Where do you buy popcorn balls anymore? Came home and spent a little time with the dogs before we took a drive in the Cadillac along the lake front one last time. It was close to 70 degrees today and will most likely be the last time this warm until Spring. Had a nice drive along the lake front and even stopped for ice cream at Dairy Queen half way during the drive. After we got home we carved our pumpkins. I posted two pictures below this post of the pumpkins we carved today. Mine is the taller pumpkin, Tony's is the shorter rounder pumpkin. Not very hungry from the late lunch and ice cream and will most likely just snack the night away watching TV. We just opened our Sweetest day cards we bought for each other. Of course Tony forgot even though I reminded him on Wednesday that today was Sweetest Day. He bought a card while we were at Walgreen's today. Why don't our husbands remember these dates, even when we remind them?



Thursday, October 14, 2010
October 14, 2010 Thursday Night
Tuesday I laid low most of the day because I still was not feeling well. A friend dropped off his dog for us to watch until Thursday night. The dog is so old, over 16 years old and I am going to have to have a long talk with the owner about making some final decisions regarding the dog. It is sad to watch him get lost in corners and it is time to do the humane thing. Spent the night watching TV and went to bed around 10 PM.
Wednesday I felt a little better, wow, a little better. Got some things done around the house which included vacuuming, raking the leaves outside and a little dusting. Tony got home around 5:30 PM and we ate dinner. I made barbecue ribs, mashed potato and corn with a salad. Spent the night watching TV. Was so mad because around 9:10 PM I realized I forget to set the DVR to record Criminal Minds and Law and Order SVU. Will have to watch them at the network web sight over the weekend. Took a long bath before I went to bed. It felt so good to lay in the tub and soak. Even brought a candle into the bathroom to relax in the tub. Of course most of the dogs came into the bathroom and laid on the floor wondering what the heck I was doing. Tony was in the living room. Funny how they always have to be with me. Went to bed around 10:30 PM after the nightly news.
This morning I woke up feeling better than I have in a week and a half. Could this be the turning point? I sure hope so. Drove to Pick N Save to buy some sale items and return some lettuce that was suppose to be good until the 17th, but was turning brown. Got into an argument in the check out line with a lady and her daughter who just watched the food pile up after it was scanned rather than help bag the items like everyone else does. The check out lines were long and everyone always bads their food. She was so ignorant. She started screaming loudly at me to get every one's attention after I asked her why she was just standing there with her teenage daughter rather than bagging. I kept my calm and simply said to her 'do you think yelling loudly is going to get you attention'? She continued screaming at me and was so ignorant. She walked out still arguing with me and then said to me 'you white people are all the same'. I bit my lip and simply said 'Yes, we are considerate, helpful and care about other people'. I continued with 'I will take the high road and not tell you what we all think of you'. It was priceless. The check out lady thanked me. When I was loading my groceries into the car a guy pulled up behind me and told me he admired my restraint and that I made his day. He then said to me 'you know us white people' how we are, I laughed. I am not racist in any way, but I know lazy good for nothing people when I see them, no matter what race they are. It had nothing to do with race until she made it about it. Got home from the grocery store and after putting it all away I walked across the alley to tell the neighbor what had happened at the grocery store. She enjoyed the story. Came back home and baked a Birthday cake for one of the guys we have Friday lunch with. It turned out good. White cake with chocolate frosting. Spent the afternoon doing a little around the house before taking a short hour nap until about 4 PM. Got up and started making dinner. Tony should be home soon. It is in the 50s here in Milwaukee and cloudy most of the day. Doesn't look like it will get over 50 degrees for the next few days. Fall / Winter is coming. Will spend the night watching TV, most likely The Big Bang Theory, Shit My Dad Says, Greys Anatomy and The Mentalist before going to bed tonight. Tomorrow I have to pick up some prescriptions at Walgreen's and then lunch with the guys.
Wednesday I felt a little better, wow, a little better. Got some things done around the house which included vacuuming, raking the leaves outside and a little dusting. Tony got home around 5:30 PM and we ate dinner. I made barbecue ribs, mashed potato and corn with a salad. Spent the night watching TV. Was so mad because around 9:10 PM I realized I forget to set the DVR to record Criminal Minds and Law and Order SVU. Will have to watch them at the network web sight over the weekend. Took a long bath before I went to bed. It felt so good to lay in the tub and soak. Even brought a candle into the bathroom to relax in the tub. Of course most of the dogs came into the bathroom and laid on the floor wondering what the heck I was doing. Tony was in the living room. Funny how they always have to be with me. Went to bed around 10:30 PM after the nightly news.
This morning I woke up feeling better than I have in a week and a half. Could this be the turning point? I sure hope so. Drove to Pick N Save to buy some sale items and return some lettuce that was suppose to be good until the 17th, but was turning brown. Got into an argument in the check out line with a lady and her daughter who just watched the food pile up after it was scanned rather than help bag the items like everyone else does. The check out lines were long and everyone always bads their food. She was so ignorant. She started screaming loudly at me to get every one's attention after I asked her why she was just standing there with her teenage daughter rather than bagging. I kept my calm and simply said to her 'do you think yelling loudly is going to get you attention'? She continued screaming at me and was so ignorant. She walked out still arguing with me and then said to me 'you white people are all the same'. I bit my lip and simply said 'Yes, we are considerate, helpful and care about other people'. I continued with 'I will take the high road and not tell you what we all think of you'. It was priceless. The check out lady thanked me. When I was loading my groceries into the car a guy pulled up behind me and told me he admired my restraint and that I made his day. He then said to me 'you know us white people' how we are, I laughed. I am not racist in any way, but I know lazy good for nothing people when I see them, no matter what race they are. It had nothing to do with race until she made it about it. Got home from the grocery store and after putting it all away I walked across the alley to tell the neighbor what had happened at the grocery store. She enjoyed the story. Came back home and baked a Birthday cake for one of the guys we have Friday lunch with. It turned out good. White cake with chocolate frosting. Spent the afternoon doing a little around the house before taking a short hour nap until about 4 PM. Got up and started making dinner. Tony should be home soon. It is in the 50s here in Milwaukee and cloudy most of the day. Doesn't look like it will get over 50 degrees for the next few days. Fall / Winter is coming. Will spend the night watching TV, most likely The Big Bang Theory, Shit My Dad Says, Greys Anatomy and The Mentalist before going to bed tonight. Tomorrow I have to pick up some prescriptions at Walgreen's and then lunch with the guys.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
October 12, 2010 Tuesday Morning
Monday turned out to be a pretty good day. I still have a cough that is so bad my stomach muscles hurt from coughing. My nose is still running like a river. But, I am starting to feel a little better. It has been over a week now that I have had this cold or flu. I am so tired of coughing and blowing my nose. I did get a lot done yesterday around the house, at least everything I wanted to accomplish. Spent the morning cleaning the house and part of the afternoon at the neighbors house discussing our worthless husbands. LOL. I did not take a nap like I usually do so by 9 PM last night I was so tired we both went to bed to watch Castle in bed. Watched Dancing With The Stars prior to Castle. Got a pretty good night's sleep last night even though all 5 dogs decided they wanted to be on the bed with us all night.
This morning I am still coughing and blowing my nose non stop. Since I feel I wasted most of last week being sick I have to get stuff done around the house today. It was in the 60s yesterday and will be again today in Milwaukee. The trees are so pretty but soon all the leaves will have fallen. This morning I have to go to Walgreen's and drop off some prescriptions and do a little coupon shopping of stuff on sale. Then I will head over to Pick N Save and do a little grocery shopping. Will most likely spend the afternoon blowing the leaves away from the house and backyard. Around 5 PM tonight a friend is dropping off his dog for us to take care of for a couple days so he can go out of town. We have taken care of his dog named Saber many times. The dog is over 15 years old and his days are numbered. His health is failing and every time we take care of his dog I think it might be the last time. So sad. I was told now Saber is having problems with holding his bowels so the next couple days might be a challenge taking care of him. Was happy I got the warning from his owner. Not a deal breaker as far as I am concerned since I can clean any mess the dog makes. Found out yesterday our health insurance will go up about $180 a month to about $880 a month for each of Tony and I. How does anyone afford health insurance anymore with these costs and yearly increases? We already spend $1400 a month for health insurance for the both of us. I can't believe it will now be close to $1800 a month for health insurance. This can not continue! So much for health care reform. It scares the hell out of me since that is over half I get from Social Security each month. Our water bill arrived yesterday also and it is now $288 a quarter. That cost went up over $50 a quarter also. If the cost of everything keeps rising at this rate there will have to be cuts in our spending somewhere. I don't know where we can cut anymore since I cut coupons, watch what I buy, and don't spend on anything we really don't need. I am sure there are people in worse shape, but how do they do it? Well, I am off to the shower so I can get what needs to get done around here accomplished. Tony is already at work for the day.
This morning I am still coughing and blowing my nose non stop. Since I feel I wasted most of last week being sick I have to get stuff done around the house today. It was in the 60s yesterday and will be again today in Milwaukee. The trees are so pretty but soon all the leaves will have fallen. This morning I have to go to Walgreen's and drop off some prescriptions and do a little coupon shopping of stuff on sale. Then I will head over to Pick N Save and do a little grocery shopping. Will most likely spend the afternoon blowing the leaves away from the house and backyard. Around 5 PM tonight a friend is dropping off his dog for us to take care of for a couple days so he can go out of town. We have taken care of his dog named Saber many times. The dog is over 15 years old and his days are numbered. His health is failing and every time we take care of his dog I think it might be the last time. So sad. I was told now Saber is having problems with holding his bowels so the next couple days might be a challenge taking care of him. Was happy I got the warning from his owner. Not a deal breaker as far as I am concerned since I can clean any mess the dog makes. Found out yesterday our health insurance will go up about $180 a month to about $880 a month for each of Tony and I. How does anyone afford health insurance anymore with these costs and yearly increases? We already spend $1400 a month for health insurance for the both of us. I can't believe it will now be close to $1800 a month for health insurance. This can not continue! So much for health care reform. It scares the hell out of me since that is over half I get from Social Security each month. Our water bill arrived yesterday also and it is now $288 a quarter. That cost went up over $50 a quarter also. If the cost of everything keeps rising at this rate there will have to be cuts in our spending somewhere. I don't know where we can cut anymore since I cut coupons, watch what I buy, and don't spend on anything we really don't need. I am sure there are people in worse shape, but how do they do it? Well, I am off to the shower so I can get what needs to get done around here accomplished. Tony is already at work for the day.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
October 10, 2010 Sunday Night
Right after I posted on Thursday morning I went outside to move some stuff around in the garage, at least I thought I was going to do that. The electric garage door was broken. The door would not open. This is not good because we have the side walk-in door bolted from the inside for security. Called Tony and let him know. He came home shortly after my call to try to see what the problem was. We ended up having to break into the garage from the back window just to get into the garage to see what the problem was. The spring came off the area it is suppose to be around. Tony spent most of the morning trying to fix it until about noon when he came in the house and told me he still does not have it working but is too busy at work to spend any more time on the garage door. Since I was now feeling like crap again I told it was not a problem because I was going back to bed and not going anywhere. Spent the afternoon going from bed to couch until I finally called the doctor an made an appointment for Friday afternoon, the soonest they could see me. Tony came home from work around 6 PM and by the time it got dark he came back in the house to say the garage door was fixed. At least he is good for something? I went to bed by 9 PM still feeling horrible. Lungs hurt just to breath, coughing, and sinus's hurting.
Friday morning I got out of bed around 7 AM not feeling any better. Called the guys and let them know Tony and I would not be at our usual Friday lunch because I didn't want to pass this cold on to anyone else. They were all concerned as true friends are. Finally was time to go to the doctor. Got to the office and was given a mask since the flu is going around so bad in Milwaukee. I had never been given a mask to wear going to the doctor before so I know now I am not the only one going through this. After waiting 45 minutes I was finally seen by the doctor. Could hear others in the other rooms coughing away also. Was told what I thought, that I most likely have the flu that is going around and told to continue taking the antibiotic I started on Wednesday and was given another weeks worths of prescription for it as well as a lung inhaler for the coughing. Picked up some dinner at McDonald's for Tony and I on the way home and spent the night watching TV before going to bed by 10 PM.
Saturday I felt a little better but by no mean feeling healthy. Made it through the day. Tony was not feeling good by this time either so we spent the day watching TV and not doing a whole lot. We did go for a short drive in the afternoon in the Cadillac since it was about 75 degrees and well be the last of the good weather until next Spring knowing Wisconsin weather. Came home from the hour drive and we both took an hour nap before the dogs finally forced us out of the bed to feed them dinner. Made some soup for dinner and we spend the night watching TV in blankets with the dogs on the couch. Went to bed around 10:30 PM. The only good thing that has come out of this sickness is the fact we have had a lot of time to watch all the TV shows I DVR'd during the week. So far it looks like the shows I picked to watch or DVR are doing good in the rating and the shows I decided to pass on are not doing so well. I hate getting into a new TV show only to have it canceled shortly after it begins.
Woke up this morning by 7:30 AM. Tony was already in the living room reading the Sunday Newspaper. I fed the dogs and read a little of the newspaper before heading to the kitchen to start making some breakfast. I still am not feeling any better health wise. Made a half package of bacon and started breaking the fourth egg into the pan and it had blood in it. I dumped all the eggs in the sink and told Tony he was having bacon for breakfast. At this point eggs were not something that even sounded good. We spent the morning washing four of five dogs in the sink or shower, cutting one dogs toe nails, and cutting Vito's hair. None of this is easy. They all hate getting their nails cut and most have to go to the vet to have it done. Vito hates getting his hair cut and we both get bit several times by him as we hold him to cut his hair. Taking him to a groomer is out of the question, he would not behave for it and no groomer would take on the challenge. At least four out of five dogs are clean. Kali has to go to the vet this week for an anal cleaning since she started scooting the last couple days and her butt is now red. Will have to call and make an appointment for her tomorrow at the vet. Tony and I finally took showers with what was left of the hot water and we took the Cadillac out for a ride again because it was in the 70s again today. This is so rare for Wisconsin in October. We drove to Taco Bell on the south side before going to Grant Park. We took a walk through the woods and across six bridges down to the lake front. Took some pictures along the way and had a couple take one of us. By the time we got back to the car I thought I was going to die I was so tired. Tony drove us home and we tried to lay down for a little while on the bed but the dogs were not having any of this. They wanted to play. Finally gave up trying to take a nap and fed them. We are now getting ready to settle in for the night with the TV. If it was 10 PM I would go to bed right now I am so tired and feeling so lousy. Tomorrow will be a week of this flu. I have been told many we know have had it for weeks and one friends mother is in the hospital she got so sick. I guess I would say, don't come to Wisconsin or Milwaukee any time soon unless you want to get sick. Below are four of the pictures from this afternoon. The leaves are in full color and are at their peak here in Wisconsin.

Friday morning I got out of bed around 7 AM not feeling any better. Called the guys and let them know Tony and I would not be at our usual Friday lunch because I didn't want to pass this cold on to anyone else. They were all concerned as true friends are. Finally was time to go to the doctor. Got to the office and was given a mask since the flu is going around so bad in Milwaukee. I had never been given a mask to wear going to the doctor before so I know now I am not the only one going through this. After waiting 45 minutes I was finally seen by the doctor. Could hear others in the other rooms coughing away also. Was told what I thought, that I most likely have the flu that is going around and told to continue taking the antibiotic I started on Wednesday and was given another weeks worths of prescription for it as well as a lung inhaler for the coughing. Picked up some dinner at McDonald's for Tony and I on the way home and spent the night watching TV before going to bed by 10 PM.
Saturday I felt a little better but by no mean feeling healthy. Made it through the day. Tony was not feeling good by this time either so we spent the day watching TV and not doing a whole lot. We did go for a short drive in the afternoon in the Cadillac since it was about 75 degrees and well be the last of the good weather until next Spring knowing Wisconsin weather. Came home from the hour drive and we both took an hour nap before the dogs finally forced us out of the bed to feed them dinner. Made some soup for dinner and we spend the night watching TV in blankets with the dogs on the couch. Went to bed around 10:30 PM. The only good thing that has come out of this sickness is the fact we have had a lot of time to watch all the TV shows I DVR'd during the week. So far it looks like the shows I picked to watch or DVR are doing good in the rating and the shows I decided to pass on are not doing so well. I hate getting into a new TV show only to have it canceled shortly after it begins.
Woke up this morning by 7:30 AM. Tony was already in the living room reading the Sunday Newspaper. I fed the dogs and read a little of the newspaper before heading to the kitchen to start making some breakfast. I still am not feeling any better health wise. Made a half package of bacon and started breaking the fourth egg into the pan and it had blood in it. I dumped all the eggs in the sink and told Tony he was having bacon for breakfast. At this point eggs were not something that even sounded good. We spent the morning washing four of five dogs in the sink or shower, cutting one dogs toe nails, and cutting Vito's hair. None of this is easy. They all hate getting their nails cut and most have to go to the vet to have it done. Vito hates getting his hair cut and we both get bit several times by him as we hold him to cut his hair. Taking him to a groomer is out of the question, he would not behave for it and no groomer would take on the challenge. At least four out of five dogs are clean. Kali has to go to the vet this week for an anal cleaning since she started scooting the last couple days and her butt is now red. Will have to call and make an appointment for her tomorrow at the vet. Tony and I finally took showers with what was left of the hot water and we took the Cadillac out for a ride again because it was in the 70s again today. This is so rare for Wisconsin in October. We drove to Taco Bell on the south side before going to Grant Park. We took a walk through the woods and across six bridges down to the lake front. Took some pictures along the way and had a couple take one of us. By the time we got back to the car I thought I was going to die I was so tired. Tony drove us home and we tried to lay down for a little while on the bed but the dogs were not having any of this. They wanted to play. Finally gave up trying to take a nap and fed them. We are now getting ready to settle in for the night with the TV. If it was 10 PM I would go to bed right now I am so tired and feeling so lousy. Tomorrow will be a week of this flu. I have been told many we know have had it for weeks and one friends mother is in the hospital she got so sick. I guess I would say, don't come to Wisconsin or Milwaukee any time soon unless you want to get sick. Below are four of the pictures from this afternoon. The leaves are in full color and are at their peak here in Wisconsin.




Thursday, October 7, 2010
October 7, 2010 Thursday Morning
I think I am on the path of recovery.
Spent yesterday feeling like crap again. This has not been a very nice cold/flu on my body. Spent most of the morning going from the couch to the bed again. It was in the 70s again in Milwaukee and I was too sick to enjoy it. I did about 3 PM in the afternoon take a walk around the block to get out and try to enjoy the last of the warm weather. The dogs are driving me crazy because they want to play and I am in no mood to play with them. Bo keeps bringing me tennis balls to play with him. They just don't get how sick I am. Tony is no help either and I keep reminding him that when he gets this cold/flu I will be no help to him either. Told Tony last night it would be nice to hear 'is there anything I can get or do for you'. He told me he doesn't even want to be close to me while I am sick. Nice guy hey? Went to bed around 9 PM last night.
Spent the night sweating the cold out. By this morning my pillow and sheets were wet from so much sweating. This morning I feel a little bit better. I think I might have turned a corner and may be on my way to recovering. This cold/flu was three days of hell. I did hear it is going around from my tenant and that most people are sick where he works also. Makes me feel a little better to know there are others feeling so crappy from this cold/flu. Always scary when you are HIV+ and this sick. I sure don't want to end up in the hospital over this flu. It is going to be in the 70s again today and through the weekend before the bottom falls out and back to the 50s next week so I hope to enjoy the last of this nice weather today and through the weekend. I have a lot to get done around the house today since I have not done much the last few days. Washing the bedding as I type this post. Hoping to get outside today and clean up some of the leaves that are falling and maybe even clean out the back garage so Tony can move the Cadillac into it for the winter after we use it one last time this weekend. All this depends on how much strength and how good I feel as the day goes forward. I don't want to over do it and end up sick all over again.
Spent yesterday feeling like crap again. This has not been a very nice cold/flu on my body. Spent most of the morning going from the couch to the bed again. It was in the 70s again in Milwaukee and I was too sick to enjoy it. I did about 3 PM in the afternoon take a walk around the block to get out and try to enjoy the last of the warm weather. The dogs are driving me crazy because they want to play and I am in no mood to play with them. Bo keeps bringing me tennis balls to play with him. They just don't get how sick I am. Tony is no help either and I keep reminding him that when he gets this cold/flu I will be no help to him either. Told Tony last night it would be nice to hear 'is there anything I can get or do for you'. He told me he doesn't even want to be close to me while I am sick. Nice guy hey? Went to bed around 9 PM last night.
Spent the night sweating the cold out. By this morning my pillow and sheets were wet from so much sweating. This morning I feel a little bit better. I think I might have turned a corner and may be on my way to recovering. This cold/flu was three days of hell. I did hear it is going around from my tenant and that most people are sick where he works also. Makes me feel a little better to know there are others feeling so crappy from this cold/flu. Always scary when you are HIV+ and this sick. I sure don't want to end up in the hospital over this flu. It is going to be in the 70s again today and through the weekend before the bottom falls out and back to the 50s next week so I hope to enjoy the last of this nice weather today and through the weekend. I have a lot to get done around the house today since I have not done much the last few days. Washing the bedding as I type this post. Hoping to get outside today and clean up some of the leaves that are falling and maybe even clean out the back garage so Tony can move the Cadillac into it for the winter after we use it one last time this weekend. All this depends on how much strength and how good I feel as the day goes forward. I don't want to over do it and end up sick all over again.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
October 5, 2010 Tuesday Afternoon
Woke up Monday morning feeling horrible. Runny nose, sore throat and a cough. I must admit I spent the entire day going from the couch to the bed. Tony came home around noon and asked me if I needed anything at Walgreen's since he had to go and pick up a prescription. I told him to buy me more Multi Symptom Cold and Flu Pills since I had only one pill left. Or course he came home from work and forgot to go to Walgreen's so after 'that look' he went to Walgreen's. Of course he did not buy me what I asked for. I was so mad. How hard is it to buy Multi Symptom Cold and Flu Pills? After I through a fit telling him I am so tired of him not listening to me he looked at me and said 'do you want me to go back and get them'? I loose either way with this. If I say yes, he will be mad he has to go back to the store, if I say no, I am without my pills I need since I feel so horrible. I said no hoping he would get the hint. He did not. I ended up going to bed hoping to wait until morning and I would go get more pills then. By 2 AM I was feeling so bad I got in my car and went to a 24 hour Walgreen's. Of course it was a big fight at 2 AM and he went to the couch because of it. If anyone else asks for anything he is right there. If I ask and tell him exactly what I want, he doesn't get it. I just don't get it. Took my pills after getting home at 2:30 AM and slept until I heard him say he was leaving for work. Bye bye I said.
Stayed in bed a little bit and then got up around 7:45 AM to feed the dogs. God forbid he feed them knowing how crappy I feel. Went back to bed for about an hour before getting up and showering and driving to Pick N Save to do the grocery shopping I should have done yesterday. Dragged myself through the grocery store. Came home from the grocery store and took another round of pills before going back to bed. Stayed in bed for about 2 hours even though I couldn't sleep because of the 'daytime' pills. I since have gotten out of bed and returned to the living room to watch TV. I still feel horrible. I hate being sick. I hope this is the one and only flu for the season. Going to go back to the couch and rest. I hope I wake up tomorrow feeling better. My lungs hurt with each cough.
Stayed in bed a little bit and then got up around 7:45 AM to feed the dogs. God forbid he feed them knowing how crappy I feel. Went back to bed for about an hour before getting up and showering and driving to Pick N Save to do the grocery shopping I should have done yesterday. Dragged myself through the grocery store. Came home from the grocery store and took another round of pills before going back to bed. Stayed in bed for about 2 hours even though I couldn't sleep because of the 'daytime' pills. I since have gotten out of bed and returned to the living room to watch TV. I still feel horrible. I hate being sick. I hope this is the one and only flu for the season. Going to go back to the couch and rest. I hope I wake up tomorrow feeling better. My lungs hurt with each cough.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
October 3, 2010 Sunday Night
Friday afternoon we had lunch with the guys. After dropping Tony back off at work I returned home and spent the afternoon doing a little cleaning while I listened to music. Friday night we watched a bunch of TV programs we had DVR'd during the week. Went to bed a little after 10 PM.
Saturday morning we spent the morning watching all the Sell This House and Flip This House on A&E Channel. We usually watch these shows on Saturday mornings. A little after noon we drove to Tony's mom's house for a spaghetti lunch. We then drove one of his nephews to his dad's house here on the Eastside of Milwaukee, and kept the other nephew and his dog for the night. Spent the afternoon playing with Hot Wheel tracks and racing cars. When dinner time came I asked the 6 year old nephew if he wanted to go to an ice cream shop for dinner or a nice Italian restaurant for dinner. He chose the Italian restaurant and we had pizza. He was very good and acted like an adult the entire dinner. When we got home we watch the movie Up. It was quite good for a children's movie. We all went to bed around 10 PM.
This morning we all got up around 7 AM and spent the morning playing with the dogs and cars. Around 11 AM my parents came over and we all got into their car and went to the Brady Street Dog Walk and Blessing. It was so cute. Over 100 dogs most in costumes. After the dog walk we all went out for lunch at the sports bar the opened down the street. We had not eaten there yet so we though we would give it a try. It was not very good. Very expensive, too huge of servings, and we all went home with left overs. My parents then dropped off the three of us off at the house and said our goodbyes. Had a couple more hours of watching the Disney Channel with the nephew before the other nephew and his father came around 4 PM to pick him and his dog up and drive to the Illinois border to meet their mother, Tony's sister. It is nice to have the kid and his dog for a night, but we are both beet and cant wait to go to bed tonight. I did not sleep well last night because the nephew's dog has to sleep nose to nose with me and he has very bad breath. He also licks me all night long just to see that his nose is close to mine. So with six dogs all on the bed with Tony and I we both did not sleep very good. Did not eat any dinner tonight and will most likely not eat anything since we are both full from lunch. Will spend the night watching Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters before going to bed later tonight. It was cool the last couple days in Milwaukee in the 50s.
Saturday morning we spent the morning watching all the Sell This House and Flip This House on A&E Channel. We usually watch these shows on Saturday mornings. A little after noon we drove to Tony's mom's house for a spaghetti lunch. We then drove one of his nephews to his dad's house here on the Eastside of Milwaukee, and kept the other nephew and his dog for the night. Spent the afternoon playing with Hot Wheel tracks and racing cars. When dinner time came I asked the 6 year old nephew if he wanted to go to an ice cream shop for dinner or a nice Italian restaurant for dinner. He chose the Italian restaurant and we had pizza. He was very good and acted like an adult the entire dinner. When we got home we watch the movie Up. It was quite good for a children's movie. We all went to bed around 10 PM.
This morning we all got up around 7 AM and spent the morning playing with the dogs and cars. Around 11 AM my parents came over and we all got into their car and went to the Brady Street Dog Walk and Blessing. It was so cute. Over 100 dogs most in costumes. After the dog walk we all went out for lunch at the sports bar the opened down the street. We had not eaten there yet so we though we would give it a try. It was not very good. Very expensive, too huge of servings, and we all went home with left overs. My parents then dropped off the three of us off at the house and said our goodbyes. Had a couple more hours of watching the Disney Channel with the nephew before the other nephew and his father came around 4 PM to pick him and his dog up and drive to the Illinois border to meet their mother, Tony's sister. It is nice to have the kid and his dog for a night, but we are both beet and cant wait to go to bed tonight. I did not sleep well last night because the nephew's dog has to sleep nose to nose with me and he has very bad breath. He also licks me all night long just to see that his nose is close to mine. So with six dogs all on the bed with Tony and I we both did not sleep very good. Did not eat any dinner tonight and will most likely not eat anything since we are both full from lunch. Will spend the night watching Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters before going to bed later tonight. It was cool the last couple days in Milwaukee in the 50s.
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