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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 19, 2010 Tuesday Morning

Monday morning Bo got me up at 5 AM to go outside and pee. Since I had to get a pee sample for the vet I had to get up and let him out rather than letting Tony do it. I did finally get a sample. After Tony left for work I drove to the vet to drop off the sample at 7:30 AM when they opened. Since I had a 10:30 AM vet appointment I wanted to make sure the vet tested the sample prior to me bringing him in to see why he has a problem with his penis area and if it was an infection. Came home and ate breakfast, took a shower and had Bo to the vet for his 10:30 AM appointment. The vet could not find anything wrong but said he needs his hair cut short because it is so thick and that might be the problem around the penis area. They did a little shaving of hair while he was at the vet. He was such a baby when the vet examined him. He cried and cried like a little baby even though the vet was doing nothing that was hurting him. Took him home and got on the Internet to talk with Norton Anti Virus for support since I keep getting cookies and they should be blocked. After an hour on the computer with Norton tech from India we thought we had the problem solved. I then got out the hair cutter and started cutting Bo's hair. It is very short now and he looks like he did as a puppy. Around lunch I did another virus scan and sure enough the cookies we thought we blocked were back. I then got online once again and spent another hour trying to fix the problem. I was assured it was fixed, yah right. Got a beef roast going on the stove with potatoes and carrots and took a short nap. When I got up I did a little more trimming on Bo since he still was licking and the problem with him has not stopped either. Tony came home and after dinner I checked again with a virus scan, the cookies were back. Now I am mad. I got on line again and after an hour on with the help desk the tech had no answers or a way to fix it. Seems every time I go on to get my email from Windows Live Email the cookies appear even though my settings should be blocking them. We blocked all cookies from getting on the computer. Not much help and the problem is not solved. Watched Dancing With The Stars and Castle before going to bed. Bo snuggled next to me all night because he was cold from having little hair.

This morning after getting the dogs fed and Tony off to work I tried to log onto my blog to do a post only to find that the settings the Norton's tech had me set did not allow me to go into the web sight to post. Had to put all the setting back to where they were yesterday morning just to get online. So I wasted about 3 hours with Norton's and now I am back to square one since I had to put the settings where I had them prior to yesterday's tech help. Today I have to do a little around the house and give Bo a bath. I also think I will remove the netting over the pond since the tree above it is almost empty of leaves. They few leaves that fall from this point forward I will have to scoop out daily until the last of the leaves fall. My mother just called and we talked about how we are so sick of all the political ads on TV that run non stop, especially here in Milwaukee where the election is very close. In fact it looks like the Republicans will be taking over our state, time to move to another state if that does happen in two weeks. Gave Bo his bath and now he is licking more than ever. I think I will go to the pet store and buy a cone for around his neck so he can not reach that area. That's all for now, will post more later.

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