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Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 17, 2010 Sunday Dinner Time

This morning I actually was able to sleep and stay in bed until 7:30 AM before the dogs reminded me it was time to get up and feed them. Tony was already in the living room reading the Sunday Newspaper. Read a little of the newspaper before I made us breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and English muffins today for breakfast. I then got out the leaf blower and blew all the leaves in the front yard to the street, all the leaves in the side yard and back yard to the bark chip areas and even leaf blew the upstairs deck and a couple of the rain gutters I could reach. Tony started working on the bathroom tile and bathtub. I swear this bathroom project will never be completed at his pace. Did a little work on the computer backing up my files to an external hard drive and updated my blog to word perfect documents so if I ever loose this blog I have all my posts backed up. I then drove to Open Pantry and bought our weekly lottery tickets. When I got back I searched again on the Internet for a movie I saw as a kid and want to see so bad. I found it. It is called Run Wild Run Free. It is from 1969 about a boy and his horse. I ordered the DVD from Hollywood Home Cinema. I can't wait to get it. I just hope I enjoy it as much as I did seeing it as a child and again on TV many years after that. If anyone has seen this movie you know how good it is. Tony is still working on the bathroom but I think he is getting a little frustrated and will be quiting for the day soon. I have to figure out what I am going to make for dinner or what I am going to order to be delivered. I really have no ambition to cook so it will most likely be delivered from somewhere. Will spend the rest of the day watching TV getting ready for our usual Sunday night TV of Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters before going to bed. Had a good weekend. It was a little cooler today, in the mid 50s but the sun is out which makes a big difference. Tomorrow I have to take Bo to the vet in the morning to find out what his problem is. Of course since I made the vet appointment on Saturday he has not acted any different. I mentioned to Tony that I might cancel the appointment, he said 'no, he is going to the vet'. So I guess that is that. Updated the 6 week dry erase calender in the back hallway, can not believe Thanksgiving is only 6 weeks away, soon it will be Christmas and 2011. Time goes by so fast.

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