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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20, 2010 Wednesday Dinner Time

After I posted yesterday I made a phone call to the PO Officer in charge of the convict that owes us money on our judgement since Tony keeps telling me he calls her, gets her message machine, has left at least 10 messages (or at least that is what I was being told), and she is not returning his calls. Well, she answered when I called and when I told her who I was and why I was calling she turned into a royal bitch and told me she has only gotten one call from Tony in the last few weeks. When I called Tony to tell him this he admitted he had been lieing to me about making calls to her to get me off his back. I was very mad and it was not a pleasant conversation from that point forward. I did end up going to the pet store and buying Bo an inflatable cone for around his neck so he doesn't lick. Got home and put it on him. He did not like it at first but by the end of the day he was getting used to it. Unfortunately he is a long dog and could still turn around enough to lick so it was not doing what it needed to do, except bother him. Spent the afternoon listening to music while I took a short nap. Made left overs for dinner from the pot roast the night before. Watched No Ordinary Family, Dancing With The Stars Results and The Good Wife before going to bed.

This morning I was at Walmart by 8 AM to buy some baby outfits for Bo to cover up his private areas so he could not lick them. Picked up about 4 outfits in different sizes, the kind babies wear that have snaps by the butt. Got home and put the one that fit best on Bo. I then drove back to the pet store to return the $25 cone I bought him since the $5 outfit was doing better than the cone from keeping him from licking. After I got home I figured I might as well get my last task done and went to Walgreen's to pick up a prescription. Came home and got a call from Tony telling me his older brother just told him he found out today he has stage 4 cancer in his throat and tongue. Not good news. Will find out more tonight. Spent and hour at the neighbors house talking with her about all the crap going on in my life. Came home and put a little grout on the new tile Tony put up on Sunday in the bathroom. I put a pork roast in the oven about 3:30 this afternoon. About 4 PM Kali started throwing up all over the house. She has thrown up about 5 times now and didn't keep down her dinner. I was hoping some food would settle her stomach, I was wrong because she has thrown up twice since eating. Going to spend the night next to her. Will let you know more tomorrow. Gotta run.

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