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Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014 Monday Afternoon

We had no plans this past weekend but to wait for the cold front to come through.  By this morning it was here. 

Saturday we spent the day doing nothing.  We laid around the house and watched TV all day.  We did take a nap in the afternoon which led to a round of lovin.  Of course when I say 'did nothing' that really more applies to Tony than myself since I still have to take care of all the daily things that come up all day while Tony is on the couch.  Had a pizza and spaghetti delivered for supper.  Spent the night watching one of the best movies we have watched in a long time.  It was a gay themed movie called The Falls: Testament Of Love.  The movie involved two guys and their fight dealing with the church.   They were lovers for a year 'on retreat'.  Ten years later one had cut ties with the church and lived life as a gay man, the other got married and had a kid and was never really happy.  Years later the guys meet up.  It was heart breaking at times to watch how someone could live a life that is not their own or not what feels right.  So sad what the church has done to people.  Went to bed around 9 PM for a round of lovin and soon went to sleep after the local news on TV.

Sunday morning we were up by 7 AM to feed the dogs and give Vito his shot.  Spent the early morning reading the newspaper and making eggs bacon and muffins for breakfast.  As I was making breakfast and walked into Tony's bathroom to talk to him, I looked up to see the ceiling was wet and water was leaking from the upstairs bathroom.  Tony finished what he was doing and started tearing down the ceiling as the water poured out.  I called the tenants to see if they were up and soon we were upstairs figuring out the cold water on the tub was leaking behind the wall.  Tony spent the next couple hours fixing the leak but we now have a bathroom without a ceiling.  Around noon we ventured outdoors to go to Pick N Save to buy the weekly lottery tickets and some groceries for the week.  I do not plan on leaving the house much this week due to the extreme cold.  Watched a lot of TV off the DVR and topped off the night watching Revenge and another round of lovin.  The temperature was dropping.

This morning I was up by 6 AM.  Tony usually lets Bo and Vito out before I get out of bed but this morning I knew I would need to carry Vito outside due to the cold and being blind.  When we got up this morning it was negative 13 degrees and a wind chill or feels like temperature of 39 below zero.  The dogs paws freeze up in no time and they fall over.  Went back to bed with Vito for a half hour before I got up to start the day.  Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot.  When they were all done eating I carried each one out one at a time to do their business.  Tony soon left for work.  I spent the morning reading the newspapers, doing a load of laundry and ordered the last year of posts from this blog in hard cover book form like I do each year.  Made a ham sandwich for lunch and took a nap with the dogs.  The back bedroom creaks and makes loud noises from the shifting and cold.  I swear their must be bolts popping sometimes it is so loud.  It never got above 10 below zero all day today.  Thankfully Stella has only needed to go out twice.  She is too heavy to carry.  Did talk to my mom today via the phone since they go down to Florida starting tomorrow for the Winter.  I wish I was them and could escape this cold.  Making some Chicken Cordon Bleu for supper with mashed potato and a salad.  Will most likely spend the night watching TV from the DVR while it records tonight's shows. 

1 comment:

  1. Dave i was looking forward to your post today , i hope that all is well. your Canadian fun
