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Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010 Monday Afternoon

Still in a lot of pain and taking pain pills every four hours as of today.

Saturday night the pain was so bad I got very little sleep. Sunday morning I went to the Walk In Clinic at Walgreen's that opened at 9:30 AM. Got another antibiotic for the tooth infection. Doctor gave me Amox-Clavin 875MG twice daily. Got home by 11 AM and laid down for an hour before leaving to have lunch with Mom and Dad for Father's Day. Had a great all you can eat brunch at Thunder Mountain in Waukasha. Since my parents have taken Tony and I out for dinner and lunch many times we picked up the check. When my dad asked for the check and I said I had taken care of it already, the look on his face was priceless. I am glad we did. Came home and watched the movie Date Night with Tina Fey. It was funny. Ended up going to bed, or trying, around 8 PM. Finally gave up and watched a little TV until 11 PM when the next round of pain pills kicked in.

This morning I had to have Tony at the eye doctor at 7 AM so he could have eye surgery, a lens put in his eye. He damaged it over 25 years ago and has not been able to see through it since. Sat around waiting to drive him home. After we got home the pain in his eye started to be pretty painful. He has spent most of the afternoon in bed, his eye watering, as I did cleaning around the house. I then worked on filling the pond and fixing any low spots where the water was leaking out. Waiting for a call from my dentist that pulled the tooth last Monday to talk to him about the pain I still have. The pain is horrible and I am now putting Oral Gel on it too to dull the pain. I can not keep living on pain pills, Advil and oral gel. I am not holding my breath that he will call today and most likely I will have to call the dentist again this morning. Hoping the antibiotic kicks in soon and the infection in the tooth behind where I had the tooth pulled starts to go away. I can not even touch the last tooth in my mouth it is so painful. Tony is now in the living room and also in pain. What a pair we are hey? Most likely Tony will not even go into work to close the shop he looks so much in pain. Will make a nice dinner and hopefully go to bed early tonight. Anyone else ever have a tooth pulled, get dry socket and an infection so you can let me know how long I can expect this pain in my mouth to last?

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