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Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19, 2011 Monday Late Afternoon

Friday night we watched a couple of movies. Watched the movies Everything Must Go and Hesher. Both were OK, glad I downloaded them rather than paid to see them. Went to bed around 10 PM.

Saturday morning we were up by 6 AM. Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot. Spent the morning watching some home improvement shows. Around noon we went to the Bay View Block Party. Had a drink and some food, listened to a band, and came home. A little while later we went up the street to the Tomato Bash. A big cage full of tomatoes, 250 people let into the cage, and the fun began. We soon found out standing anywhere near the cage was not good. By the time it was all over and I had gotten a few pictures and video, Tony and I both had tomato in our hair and on our clothes, and we were just spectators. Here is a video of the tomato fight:

Came home and we both took another shower. After feeding the dogs supper and giving Vito his shot, I made a pizza and salad for dinner. Spent the night watching TV on the DVR trying to get it all watched before the new season of TV starts on Monday. Went to bed around 10:30 PM.

Sunday morning we were up at 7 AM. Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot. I made eggs, bacon and and English muffins for breakfast. Spent the morning watching TV as it rained outside. Around noon it stopped raining so we went to a car show on the north side of town. Came home and spent the afternoon and evening watching TV, relaxing around the house with the dogs. Went to the bedroom to watch TV around 9 PM. The ATT box that was not working right the last few weeks, and I had someone come to the house to repair the problem, didn't work again. I had to reboot the box before I could change the channel and that TV. Guess I will be calling AT&T again. Went to bed around 10 PM after the award show we watched on TV.

This morning I was up and out of bed before 6 AM. Didn't sleep well last night and was up going pee at least 4 times during the night. My prostate one day gets better, the next day not so much better. Called Walgreen's and filled the refill on the antibiotic I am taking for the prostate infection since the 10 day course will not be enough as usual. Guess when you have HIV you need to take a double course of antibiotics just to get better. Called AT&T to make an appointment for them to come to the house to give us new DVR and TV boxes. With the new TV season starting tonight I will have a full DVR by the weekend. I don't need AT&T coming out later in the week and I loose everything when they give us new boxes. They said they would be here between noon and 4 PM. Got showered and met my case worker at ARCW to talk about Medicare and what it means. She is going to get the paperwork together for what I need to fill out to get reimbursed for much of the monthly payment since I have HIV and make so little on social security disability. We have time since it doesn't start until January. Stopped off at Walgreen's to pick up the refill prescription and another 2 week supply of the 7 mg nicotine patch. I made the mistake last Friday of not putting on a patch and by the afternoon I found myself at the store buying cigarettes. Damn, three days down the drain. So I smoked them over the weekend and started back on the nicotine patch today. I only had 2 left and I know if I don't want to fail this time I need to wear it for another two weeks. Every time I tried in the past I never wore the patch more than a week and then the day I don't wear it, I am smoking. Not setting myself up for that this time quitting. Maybe I won't get prostate infections if I stop smoking? I have to try. Came home and the AT&T repair guys showed up around 1:15 PM. They gave us all new DVR and TV boxes throughout the house. If the problem continues after this the only box left will have to be replaced. That is the box with the Internet and such, but at least I will not loose stuff on the DVR if that happens. Took them a couple hours to do all the test and swap out the boxes. The dogs were going nuts locked / caged in the spare room the entire time. What bad dogs I have. Now they are gone and time will tell if the AT&T problem is fixed. Tonight I am so excited about Dancing With The Stars beginning. I love this show. Will DVR the entire CBS lineup tonight which includes How I Met Your Mother, Two And Half Men, Mike and Molly and Hawaii Five O. I could really go for a cigarette about now, but not an option, deep breaths.

1 comment:

  1. try the chantis???? shown on tv. suppose to really work. doc script tho.
