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Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9, 2012 Thursday Night

Spent last night watching TV. I did attempt to clean out Barkley's anal glands, something I have always taken him to the vet for. I did get some nasty stuff out of him but was not sure what I was doing and didn't want to hurt him. Hoped I cleaned him out. He had been leaving marks where he lays and I had to put all the blankets and sheets in the laundry again. Another reason we have had him sleeping in a cage next to the bed the last few nights. Went to bed around 10 PM with a cough. Took some cold pills prior to going to bed and they did not help me sleep. Barkley slept
in his cage and was quite after about an hour and yelling at him to lay down about 10 times.

Woke up this morning at 6 AM feeling like crap. Sinus clogged and running, chest hurting and coughing up stuff. Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot. Went back to bed putting Barkley on an old sheet so not to leave a stain. Around 9 AM I rolled over and noticed a stain and grabbed the cell phone and called the vet. Made a 11:30 AM appointment to take him in and have his anal glands cleaned. Rolled back over in bed until about 10:30 AM, feeling like I was dieing. Got out of bed around 10:45 AM, put all the beding in the laundry, washed my face, put on a baseball cap and eventually drove Barkley to the vet. Had the vet do the extracting as I watched and she told me what she was doing. I can not afford to keep taking him to the vet for this monthly like we have been. God this dog is a pain in my ass and I wish I had not adopted him three years ago at the age of 8. A lot came out of him and if anyone has done this, they know the smell is horrible. Got Barkley cleaned up and to the car. Since the vet is right next to McDonald's we stopped for a hamburger and medium french fries. If I don't buy the medium french fries I will have to give them all away to the dogs and there will be none for me. So a small is not good enough if I want some french fries. After lunch we all spent the afternoon in bed again with the TV on in the back ground. Got back out of bed around 3:30 PM and started to get things done around the house. Still feeling like crap. Made some salads for supper and a can of spaghetti O's for Tony. I will just eat some toast since I do not feel good or hungry in any way. Tony came home around 5:30 PM from work. Fed him and now I type this waiting for American Idol to start in about 10 minutes. Better spell check and get back to the couch. I sure hope I feel better tomorrow or I will have to miss lunch with the guys. I would hate for anyone else, besides Tony, LOL, get this cold.

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