Saturday morning we were up at 6 AM. Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot. The last few days have not been kind to Vito. With the Thunderbirds flying over the house to practice, and then the shows on Saturday and Sunday, Vito was a mess. I guess I could put myself in his place and understand. Imagine being blind and every once in a while the loudest noise you ever heard goes flying over the house, shaking the house. He runs looking for me. If I am not near when it happens he bangs into a wall or gate. It is sad and hard to watch. So I tried my hardest to always have him by my side the minute I heard the planes starting to practice or perform. He made it through the weekend. Saturday during the day was an event called Rockerbox. It is a huge motorcycle event up 8 blocks of Center Street. Thousands of motorcycles and people. It was really cool. Plus the riders were great eye candy. It was very very hot and humid so we would go out to the block party for a while and then come home to the house to enjoy the air conditioning. We went up to the block party about 4 times during the day. We even sat outside for a while sweating like crazy eating a steak sandwich at one of the restaurants on Center Street. I felt so horrible when a plane from the Thunderbirds flew over a couple times when we were at the block party knowing what Vito was going through at home without me there. By the time it ended at 6 PM we both were exhausted and ready for another shower. Spent Saturday night watching TV shows on the DVR.
Sunday morning we were up at 7 AM. Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot. Spent the morning reading the newspaper and watching TV. I had a number of things I wanted to do, Tony had other plans. He wanted to nap all day. He did spend much of the day napping. I did things around the house including a couple loads of laundry. After we fed the dogs dinner we went outside to get lottery tickets and have dinner at a nice restaurant on the Eastside of Milwaukee on Downer Street. A nice little bar and cafe. Had a nice dinner sitting outside in the cooler, but still hot Milwaukee evening air. Spent last night watching some TV and then some shows on the DVR before going to bed at 10 PM. Vito has been trying to get out of his cage at night with the one end open so I put that side of the cage back on so he can not leave his cage, come onto the bed, and then fall off the bed not being able to see where the bed ends. So I half sleep each night and that has not gotten me a good nights sleep. Figured I would sleep better knowing he can not get out of the cage and hurt himself at night.
This morning I was up at 5:30 AM to let Vito outside. Went back to bed for a while with him on the bed. He laid by my side for an hour before we got up and I fed the gang breakfast and gave Vito his shot. I got a good nights sleep for once in a long time since I didn't have to worry about him falling off the bed and secure in his cage. I think he actually feels more secure also being in the cage sleeping. Spent the morning laying around the house watching the stock market go lower and lower. Went to Walgreen's around noon to buy a bunch of over the counter stuff. Spent close to $100. Thankfully everything was on sale. Bought a chicken sub at Cousins and came home. It is still hot outside. I turned off the air conditioning after Tony left for work, I just turned it back on again when I got home from Walgreen's because of the humidity. It is suppose to rain later today and the temperature is suppose to be better tomorrow, especially being less humid. Will most likely spend the afternoon resting since I feel very tired today. Tonight we will most likely watch the last two weeks episodes of True Blood before going to bed.
Here are some pics from the Rockerbox Block Party Saturday.
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