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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11, 2012 Wednesday Afternoon

What a difference a day can make.  Yesterday I had so much energy, took a walk and a bike ride all in one day.  Today I have no energy and just want to lay on the bed or couch.  Spent last night watching America's Got Talent and went to bed around 10 PM when the news came on TV.  This morning I got up at 6 AM because my bowels were killing me.  Ended up also throwing up bile for a while in a container as I sat on the toilet.  Yah, pretty picture hey?   I hate these damn HIV meds.  Monday I go to my HIV doctor and will stress how this is getting worse.  When I mentioned it last time the doctor asked how many morning and when I said a few, he was not concerned.   Yah I know there was a time when people threw up the meds all the time, when they took tons of pills, but this is not good for my body.  When I was finished emptying both ends, I fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot.  Read a little of the morning newspaper and headed back to bed.  Laid in bed listening to music until around 12:30 PM.  Got up and made a sandwich for lunch and turned on the air conditioning since it was getting close to 80 degrees outside.  Showered and been just watching TV.  I honestly could go right back to bed.  I know if I do go back to bed I will not be able to sleep tonight.  Tonight Tony will be home from work by 4:30 PM so he can shower and we can drive all the way to Franklin for his court appearance for the Monster Car ticket he got over a month ago.  Will then go out for dinner at the steak restaurant we found the last time we attempted to do court on the wrong day and date.  I am looking forward to the french onion soup with the cheese and crouton baked on top.  I accomplished nothing else today and feel just beat.  Honestly the worst part of have HIV is the fact you never know how your going to feel from one day to the next.  One day you can be on the top of your game feeling so much energy.  The next day or days you just want to sleep and have no energy.  You never know so it is hard to plan ahead and make and major plans.   I don't know how anyone holds down a job on HIV meds.   Yah, they keep us alive, but sometime the quality of life is not so good.   Guess the alternative is death, so what is one to do but just keep taking the HIV meds. 

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