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Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012 Friday Morning

Met my sister, her husband, two kids, and mom and dad at the parking lot near the boat dock.  Got on the boat with the family.  The weather was actually cloudy and cold, which I will not complain about with all the recent heat we have had.  Had a great boat trip around the Milwaukee shores.  Was glad it was cool and would not have gone on the tour if it was in the 90s like it has been recently.  It was so nice to spend time with my sister and her kids, much less my parents.  Tony enjoyed the boat ride also and I know he was glad he took time out of work to do the trip.  An hour and a half later we returned to the dock.  When we got to the dock it started to drizzle.  We walked to a local restaurant and had a very nice dinner together.  Thanks again Patti for picking up the tab.  By the time supper was over it was raining a little harder and Tony and my sisters husband went and got the cars and picked us up out front of the restaurant.  We said our goodbyes and headed home.  Fed the dogs and spent the night watching TV before going to bed around 10 PM after a little lovin.  I did also sit and enjoy the hot tub for a while before going to bed.  It was cool enough outside to enjoy it.  Here are a few pictures from the boat tour of the Milwaukee river and shoreline.

This morning I was up at 7 AM.  Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot.  Tony left for work around 7:30 AM.  Spent the early morning watching the news coverage of the shooting at the Colorado movie theater.  What the hell is wrong with people?  So sad to watch the heartache.  Of course it goes without saying how horrible something like this is to the innocent people who went to this show.  I do have to vent though on something I heard on the news as they reported it.  It was said there were babies in the theater and a 3 month old was one of the people shot.  What the hell is a parent taking a 3 month old to a midnight showing of any movie?  Not only should the kid be in bed sleeping, but the kid could cry and disturb the movie for everyone else.  When did parents become so selfish that when they decide to have kids, whether it was planed or not, can't give up a midnight movie for the well being of their kid.  I see this all the time at firework displays also.  Selfish parents brings babies or dogs to the fireworks, scared out of their wits not know what the noise is.  Much less a kids ears are so sensitive they should not be at a firework display much less a very loud Batman movie.  They chose to have children.  Yes, you will have to give up something because of this decision.  Stop putting the burden of your child on other people.  Any kid less then 18 should not have been out at a midnight showing.  They should be in bed and can see it any day going forward, the same damn movie.  Don't they have a curfew in Colorado?  It is just bad parenting. 
Today is Friday so I had lunch with the guys.  Of course we had a lot to talk about with all the news and events in each of our lives.  It is 80 degrees in Milwaukee today.  A cool day but the heat is set to return slowly over the weekend and we are to be 97 degrees on Monday, and in the 90s the rest of the week.  Guess I will be cooped up in the house again this weekend and next week since I just can not take the heat and do anything out in it.  Such a shame because there are so many events and festivals we could go to if it wasn't so damn hot outside.  Tonight I will make supper, most likely a salad and something lite for supper.  Will hopefully talk Tony into going for a walk since after today it will be too hot to do a walk.  No plans this weekend but there is so much going on around Milwaukee we will most likely keep busy going to one festival or another. 
Here is a short video of the Milwaukee lakefront from the boat.  Milwaukee really does have a very pretty lakefront.

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