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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25, 2012 Tuesday Afternoon

After I posted yesterday I looked at the time and it was a little before 3 PM, so I decided to go for my usual 2 mile walk to Gordon Park, down the path to the river at the Locust Street bridge and follow the trail all the way to North Avenue and then up the bike path back home.  Takes me about an hour.  Got home and started making supper.  Put together a couple salads, put some french style beans on the stove and pulled out two steaks.  Tony got home around 5 PM and after we fed the dogs we spend the night watching TV from the DVR and computer.  Finished off the last three episodes of season six of Weeds.  Was happy how it ended, Nancy back pretty much where she started 6 seasons ago selling weed in California.  Watched Sunday's two episodes of Long Island Medium.  Then started to watch, or check out the show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.  I had seen so much of this show on clips on the talk shows and though we would check it out.  Well, after 20 minutes of this show we looked at each other and turned the channel.  What a bunch of low life redneck white trash.  Will not watch this show again.  Watched the nights showing of Partners (which was just OK) and then ended the night with Hawaii Five O before going to bed around 10 PM.

This morning I was up at 6:30 AM.  Fed the dogs and gave Vito his Insulin shot.  Read a little of the newspaper before I took the dogs back to bed for an hour.  Got up again around 9:30 AM and got showered and Bo ready for his 11:30 vet appointment to have his nails trimmed.  Bo needs to get out more often because he is a baby when he leaves the house and doesn't have Stella or his puppy friends around.  Cried all the way as we drove to the vet.  I could hear him crying in the back room as they cut his nails.  Not crying from pain, just because he is a big baby.  Stopped off at McDonald's for a hamburger and medium french fry.  If I buy a small fry I get very little with four dogs wanting some as I eat them.  Brought Bo and the food home and shared the french fries with Bo, Stella, Kali and Vito.  Was feeling a little down so I decided to go for my usual walk again.  It is 71 degrees and perfect outside for a walk.  I think of my grandma and animals or people who have pasted while I walk.  It is my quiet time to just think and reflect about how fortunate I am and all the people or pets that have made a difference in my life.  I sometimes stop and sit watching the water go by and talk to them.  Yah, sounds nuts hey?  I grew up in the country, wooded lot and lots of woods, so I love walking in the woods.  This time of year is my favorite.  The animals are busy getting ready for the Winter and the trees are loosing their leaves and so pretty.  When I walk it is MY time.  My time to reflect and think, and sometimes cry.  I sometimes even pretend my grandma, who I miss so much some days, is with me walking.  My grandma walked the nursing home complex she lived in daily up until one week before she died at the age of 98 years old.  So I figure it did her good, it must be good for me too, and it is.  Funny how all the time I talk to the dead, they never seem to talk back, how rude, hey?  Making spaghetti for supper tonight with some salads.  Will spend the night watching last night's Dancing With The Stars prior to tonight's showing.  The show was not on last night in our area due to a Packers football game.  DVR'd the show at 1:30 AM last night when it was broad casted here in Milwaukee.  Will start it when Tony gets home from work so he doesn't miss the show, which he loves also.  So tonight will be a full night of Dancing With The Stars. 

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