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Friday, August 27, 2010

August 27, 2010 Friday Night

Spent last night watching TV. Ended up watching Big Brother and then 2 episodes of the HBO show True Blood. We only have two more episodes until we are up to date on the series. About 7:30 PM I looked out our front windows and watched three kids, two on bikes, stopped in front of the apartment complex across the street. Something didn't look right. I looked at Tony and told him to put some shoes and pants on because something is going to happen. Of course he disagreed at first. We then watched the one kid without a bike walk up to the apartment complex and go behind some bushes. I sent Tony outside. Tony walked across the street, I got the dogs locked in the house and then went out myself. Tony got to the kid just as he was about to steal a bike. The kid of course lipped off to Tony when he asked him what he was doing. The kid then ran away with his two friends on bikes. A second later a neighbor in the apartment complex came running out to see what was happening. After we told him he got in his car after the kids. Not sure how it turned out but without the kid actually stealing the bike not much can be done. Went to bed around 10:30 PM after watching my rabbit in the back yard eating the little bread I put out just for him and not the raccoons and possums.

This morning I got up about 6:30 AM because Tony was already up as usual. Pushed myself to get the usual daily things done before going back to bed for about an hour and a half with Stella and the rest of the dogs. He ear is the same but the vet did call today to say her blood tests came back all normal which is the first hurdle. Her liver numbers even improved since her last blood test in March. Now I just have to keep putting drops in her ear daily and clean it out on Monday. That cleaning will not be fun, it hurts her. Got myself showered after a few phone calls and then picked up Tony and had lunch with the guys. Was great as usual. Came home and tried to take a nap but between the dogs, neighbors, windows open because it is nice out, I got no sleep and finally got up and turned on some music. It was a Whitney Houston afternoon. I made a two plus hour mix of all her songs so when I am in the mood for some Whitney I can just play the whole hours of music. Been feeling a bit down the past week. I have not mentioned this in earlier posts. Between my stomach being so upset from the Penicillin I have to take for this tooth infection I have gone down hill when it comes to beating myself up about having HIV. I have said before that not a day goes by that that little voice in my head reminds me of this, lately it is always on my mind. It makes your heart sink each time you think of it. A couple time a day was tolerable. Lately that little voice is getting loud. Wonder if this is normal? I have known now for a year and a half of my diagnosis. I thought I was on an upswing accepting this, lately it has been difficult. Wonder if there is a scale or research on this sort of thing when a person finds out news such as I did? Tonight we will watch some movies I downloaded since it looks like there is nothing worth watching on TV tonight. I think Shutter Island will be watched. Have to say one more thing. If it were not for the counter at the bottom of the web page I would wonder if anyone is still following since I get no comments lately. Someone throw me a comment and let me know your still out there. Thanks. No plans this weekend. Suppose to get in the mid and upper 80 Saturday and Sunday. Monday in the 90s, yuck. By Tuesday it looks like it will cool off. Last summer we had no days over 90 degrees here in Milwaukee. This has been the warmest summer on record here in Milwaukee. Thankful for spell check, I sometimes chuckle at myself when all the spelling mistakes come up. LOL

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