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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30, 2012 Tuesday Afternoon

Spent last night watching Dancing With The Stars and then CNN to see how the east coast was doing.  Went to bed around 10:30 PM.

This morning I was up at 6 AM.  Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot.  I had been making a list of things to buy at Walmart and have been waiting until I need to go and buy Vito more Insulin.  Decided today was the day to go to Walmart with my list.  Left the house around 10 AM with my long list in hand.  Ended up spending $300 on everything from Insulin and needles, to toiletries and food.  The 2 bottles of Insulin and 2 boxes of needles were $80 of the total.  We should be well stocked on most items now for a couple months.  I buy two months worth of Insulin and supplies so that I don't have to go but every other month to Walmart.  Our Walmart is that bad.  Got home a little before noon and it took a while to put everything away.  After I was done putting everything away I decided to make a cake.  Made a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting.  Made the cake before I laid down for a nap, and frosted it when I got up.  Didn't get much of a nap because the telephone rang three times.  By the third call I decided to just give up on the nap.  Much less the dogs were snuggling so close to me I couldn't move and was not very comfortable.  It is 42 degrees here in Milwaukee as I type this blog post, kinda cold and very windy.  Guess we are feeling winds from Sandy all the way here to Milwaukee, coming off Lake Michigan.  Making some salads and then will fry up the left over spaghetti for Tony's supper.  I will just have a TV dinner with my salad.  Tony loves left over spaghetti fried to a crisp in a well buttered pan.  I hate making it because it stinks up the house, but he loves it, so I break down every once in a while.  Will most likely spend the night watching the Dance Results show and then TV from the DVR from this week.  Not happy about the cold and sorry to see Winter coming.  I hate Winter.  It is pretty, but I can't stand the cold.

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