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Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011 Monday Afternoon

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Around lunch time yesterday Tony and I did go to Pick N Save and make the bank deposit, got lottery tickets, and bought some milk and ham and rolls. Made hot ham and rolls for lunch. Shortly after lunch we all went to the bedroom and took a long 3 hour nap. Woke up around 4 PM and got up, Tony and the dogs followed shortly. Made hamburgers, baked beans and a salad for dinner. Watched a little of the award show before switching the channel to watch Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters before going to bed. Went to bed around 10 PM.

This morning I was up by 6 AM and got up. Was not tired anymore because of all the sleep and napping the day prior. Got the dogs fed and Tony off to work. The snow began around 8 AM so I got in the car and went to Walgreen's to buy some sale items knowing the snow would keep me from going out again all day. Got home around 9 AM and made some breakfast. Spent the morning watching the snow fall and TV. Made a ham sandwich for lunch and took a couple hour nap. It is still snowing out. Suppose to get about 5 inches before it is all over. Looks like we have close to that already and it doesn't look like the snow is ending any time soon. Making a Cherie pie for desert tonight. Got the pie for free, it is Cherie, which I do not like, so the pie is for Tony. Making a beef roast, mashed potato and corn with a salad for dinner. Will hopefully get out and shovel sometime before dinner and then have to do it again tomorrow morning.

Wednesday I go to my HIV doctor to get my latest round of blood test results. I am also going to talk to him about he vivid scary dreams I continue to have being on Atripla. Saturday morning I woke up screaming, Tony shaking me. The dream I was having was that Tony and I were in a bar and it got robbed. I was shot in the head. Yes, shot in the head. That is when Tony woke me up. What a nice dream hey? Sunday morning I woke up in a dream that I was on a game show and I gave the right answer and the host kept saying my answer was wrong. I woke up arguing with the host about my 'correct' answer. This mornings dream was about being at college again. I had a dorm room on the 20th floor of the building. I guess I was moving in with my Pomeranian named Tiny, who has been dead for over 10 years now. My point is.............every night or morning I wake up to very vivid dreams and most are not happy dreams and start my day off very frustrated or crying. Not sure if I want to switch meds yet, but it is something we need to talk about. Tony wakes me at least once a week as I am screaming or yelling in my sleep.

Had an interesting line of thinking the other day. Was watching a show on TV about medical advancements. After watching the show it dawned on me that Tony, with his heart condition, and me with my AIDS, had had these problems 20 years ago, we would both be dead now. Twenty years ago they did not have the AIDS drugs they have now and I was so far gone two years ago, I would have been dead now without the advancements. Tony with his heart condition would not be here either without all the advancements. Got me thinking how sad that Tony and my life would not be here. That would mean someone else would be living in my house, someone else would have my dogs, we would both not be here. It was scary to say the least. Guess we both should be thankful for all the medical advancements, we are living because of them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave,

    Do you really have "AIDS"? My understanding is that it's a progression from HIV and these days they consider the AIDS condition reversible with the right treatment. What are they telling you over there? And yes, very few people die of it these days with access to the right meds for them.

    Cripes those dreams sound terrible, I'd definitely be thinking of changing.

