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Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012 Monday Afternoon

Friday night we spent the night watching the movie The Beaver.  Actually it was not a bad movie and I enjoyed it.  Tony thought it was boring but then again he fell asleep during the middle of the movie.  I thought it was a good movie on mental health.  Went to bed around 10 PM after a little lovin.

Saturday morning we were up by 7 AM.  Fed the dogs and gave Vito his shot.  It took until about 1 PM for it to finally heat up and stop raining, to finally start to get Tony to go for a walk with me one last time along the river trails.  One last time for him, I promised I wouldn't ask him again 'this year'.  I will most likely bundle up and go on some walks when it is warm enough and sunny.  Finally around 3 I got him to go for a nice walk along the trail.  Took us about an hour since we walked my usual route.  After we got home I spent some time outside and after we fed the dogs supper we walked up the street to a little Italian restaurant here on the Eastside of Milwaukee.  Had a great supper and walked home.  Spent the rest of the night watching TV from the DVR.  Went to bed around 10:30 PM.

Sunday morning we were again up by 7 AM.  Around 10 AM we left to go have breakfast and then do some shopping at a home improvement second hand store.  Got home around 2 PM and tried taking a nap.  Was just not happening.  Between the dogs not getting comfortable, the phone ringing and Tony on the bed, nap time was over in a half hour and I got up to watch TV.  Tony soon followed since Bo was not letting him sleep and wanted to play.  Made a canned ham, baked potato and a salad for supper.  Spent the night watching America's Funniest Home Videos, Amazing Race, and Good Wife, before going to bed and doing the loving thing before we fell asleep around 10 PM.

This morning I was up at 6:30 AM.  Fed the dogs, gave Vito his shot, and got Tony off to work.  Spent the early morning reading the newspapers and then decided to carpet clean the area rug in the living room.  Got the big machine out and spent and hour cleaning it.  It is just amazing what the water looks like.  Anyone who has cleaned their carpets knows what I am talking about.  You look at the water and say 'was that in my carpet?'    Around 11 AM I drove to Walgreen's to buy some sale items and then headed over to Pick N Save to do some grocery shopping for lettuce and fruit for the week.  Since I got home I have just been doing things around the house like laundry and dusting.  It is cold today in Milwaukee.  The thermometer outside says it is 29 degrees outside.  It is cloudy and windy and feels like Winter outside.  This is on top of the 60 degree weather we had on Saturday and Sunday so it is quite a difference and a shock to the body when you go outside.  The pond has not froze over yet, but it is just a matter of time until I will have to put the floating heater in it to make an air hole for the fish.  Making some salads and sweet and sour chicken tonight for supper.  Will most likely spend the night watching Dancing With The Stars and Hawaii Five O. 

I do realize that thing are kind of boring right now in my life.  But when you think about it, happy boredom when you have HIV is a good thing.  My stress levels are low and life is actually very good.  So even though I might not have much to say, the fact that I have little to say can be viewed as a good thing.  Life is normal and good.

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