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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21, 2010 Tuesday Night

Spent the night watching a few episodes of the TV soap One Life To Live that I have been watching since I was 16 years old. Caught up on about 4 episodes from the last two weeks. Went to bed around 10 PM.

This morning I got up around 7 AM and got the dogs fed and Tony off to work. Read a little of the newspaper and made myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Spent the morning watching a little TV as I did things around the house. About 11 AM I drove to Walgreen's to exchange the cigs I bought yesterday. They gave me the regular size rather than the longs. I did not notice this until I got home yesterday because the checkout lady put them in my bag before I could see them. Then I drove to Tony's shop and picked him up to take him to the big sale at AJ Wright. We spent about an hour in the store and spent about $115.00. Of course most of the stuff we bought was for Tony since I was being my generous self shopping for him and keeping him in mind, and he was shopping for himself as usual. I swear I will get nothing from him for Christmas again this year. He puts so little thought into things like this. I was not happy anyway with him when I walked into his shop to pick him up. Every year he gets a big glass vase of whole cashews from one of his vendors. I tell him every year the day after Thanksgiving that when they arrive to bring them home because I love whole cashews and this is a very expensive present. I again reminded him many times since Thanksgiving this year. I walked into the shop to see this years big vase of whole cashews half empty. I was mad. I guess I am being childish but I honestly don't ask for much and tell him every year I want them. Him and the employees can have any other gifts that come in this time of year. I only want the cashews. Tony told me one of his employees, his brother, opened them after they arrived yesterday when Tony was out getting parts. How frickin dare him. He is an employee, not an owner. What frickin right does he have to open or take any gifts that come to Downtown Auto Body. Of course Tony blew it off like it was nothing again which makes me even more mad. He says he talked to his brother about it, but I honestly know Tony well enough to know not much was said and more should have been said about it. As you can tell many hours later I am still mad about this. What makes matters to me worse is the fact that this could be rectified by him making the employees buy me a new one. But Tony will not be out Christmas shopping for me to even do this. Sometimes I honestly feel Tony puts less into this relationship than I do. Everything I do revolves around him, for good or bad, but he goes through his day thinking about the moment and that is all. Came home and wrapped some of the presents for Tony and then took a short nap with the dogs. Got up around 3:30 PM and started doing a little straightening up around the house and thinking about dinner. I made a salad for both of us and I think a frozen pizza will be the main course. I have no ambition to cook for such an ungrateful man. Will most likely watch the repeat of Glee tonight since it was the Christmas episode. It was only on a couple weeks ago but it was very good. After that it will be a movie or more TV on the DVR since all reruns again on TV tonight. We did get about 2 inches of snow which I shoveled before my bowl of cereal this morning. It got to about 33 degrees today so half the snow is already gone. Tomorrow I have a morning appointment with my therapist. Good timing.

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