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Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5, 2010 Sunday Night

Friday night we watched the DVD titled Dead Alive. After telling my tenant upstairs about how I like Zombie movies he handed me the DVD and said I should like it. It was OK but I would not recommend it. Went to bed around 10 PM.

Saturday morning I made Cheese Omelets, bacon and toast for breakfast. Spent the day watching the snow fall. We got maybe 4 inches. Spent the morning watching Sell This House and Flip This House. Spent the afternoon watching Speeders and Cops on the Tru network. Tony did shovel the snow later in the afternoon. Spent the night watching the movie The Switch. It was entertaining and worth seeing. Got a call in the afternoon from Tony's sister. Their dog named Little Buddy is not doing good at all. He is a daschund and is 8 years old. He is the dog that when he sees me or comes to visit for a day or two never leaves my side and sleeps nose to nose with me at night. I have talked about him in the past. I honestly think my second dog Shadow is in him. I can see it in his eyes. It is always hard to give him back to Tony's sister after we have him for a few days or I see him at family parties. They live in lower Illinois so it is a 3 hour drive to their house. Anyway, being a long daschund he is having back problems and it could cost over $4000 for surgery. He could not walk the last two days. I was told he was in a lot of pain the night prior. She is considering putting him down. Tony's sister later called me and said that she took him to her chiropractor and had him swim in a warm bathtub and seems to being doing better. I spent the afternoon in tears thinking it could be his last days. Such a sweet dog and we have a connection. I will be heart broken when this dog dies. I told Tony if I have to I will drive down to his sisters house and see him one last time if that time comes. I just need to see him one last time. So sad. Went to bed around 10:30 PM.

This morning I made french toast for breakfast. We spent the morning watching TV and Tony went back to bed around 10 AM until noon. After we both showered we drove to a new grocery store in the neighborhood to check it out. Bought some lasagna for dinner tonight. Heating it now. Also made salad and garlic bread. Will spend the night watching Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters before going to bed tonight. Tomorrow is Monday and back to having the house to myself and Tony at work. I do have a lot of Christmas shopping to do, at least window shopping. I will go to the mall at least once before Christmas. I do have to pick up a couple things for Tony that I find appealing. Made some changes to the DJ Dave Disco Favorites Volume 1 so it might be worth listening to again.

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