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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28, 2010 Tuesday Night

Last night we spent the night watching the movie Slaughter. It was a slasher thriller movie. It was pretty good if you like that kind of movie. It did have a different kind of ending than most slasher movies. Went to bed around 10 PM.

This morning I was up by 7 AM. Got the dogs fed and Tony off to work. Made myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. My sister called me on Skype to try it out since she downloaded it. I am still so amazed how easy it is to use Skype and how I did not know about it before the other day. It will be nice to talk to her and her kids in the future using the video phone. Drove to Walgreen's this morning to pick up milk and a prescription. Then went to the post office to mail my oldest brother his Christmas presents since he did not make it up from Nashville for Christmas due to being sick. Spent the afternoon answering emails and such. Not sure where today went since I didn't even take a nap today. Making spaghetti, garlic bread and salad for dinner tonight. Nothing on TV again tonight so we will most likely watch a movie or two. We do still have the last to episodes of AMC's Walking Dead series to watch. Might put those on tonight and watch them. Fed the dogs dinner already and just waiting for Tony to come home from work. He called this morning to see if I could find his cell phone. Guess he lost his cell phone. It is not here at home and I tried calling it several times today and no answer so I would have to say he still has not found it. I will be mad if he lost it because it is less than a month old and we still haven't even gotten the rebate check from Sprint yet when we bought it. If he has to pay full price for one this time and pay to reinstall the new service I will not be happy.

I should be over 10,000 visitors by tomorrow at this time. It was my goal to have this amount by the 1st of the New Year. Thanks again to all those who made this dream come true by reading my blog daily.

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