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Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 9, 2010 Thursday Dinner Time

Shortly after yesterday's post I got the mail to find out my food share allowance of $16 per month was being discontinued due to the $1000 I receive monthly from Downtown Auto Body. What? I called food share and they told me they received documentation from the IRS that Downtown Auto Body pays me for 30 hours a week for a total of $1000.00 a month. I told them this was not true and they said to contact Downtown Auto Body. Of course the phone call with Tony did not go well. At one point earlier in the year Tony did contemplate showing me as an employee so I could continue to get my health insurance through the company. We then changed his company to a LLC and me as part owner so we did not have to reflect this anymore due to the fact I don't receive any money from the company and it would effect my Social Security. Tony called the insurance agent which I told him was not to blame. He then called the Accountant to find out that he never stopped this practice for the entire 2010 up to now. WHAT? If I could work, and if I did make $1000 more a month it would effect my social security and ADAP not to mention food share already. I was furious. After many shouting matches on the phone I put my foot down and told Tony he has to have this fixed ASAP. The accountant still had not returned his call by the time he came home early to accompany me for an information dinner on HIV. We didn't say much while he got ready to go to the meeting much less the rest of the night. The meeting was informative and the dinner was good. We came home and watched TV the rest of the night going to bed around 10 PM. Did not sleep well worrying about my social security. How would I survive without it?

This morning my final words to Tony as he walked out the door was that he must get this IRS mistake fixed. I then got ready for my 10 AM therapy appointment which was well needed as well as my 11 AM appointment with my case worker to find out what this mess will cost me. Bottom line I have to get off Tony's company's insurance policy the next time it renews. I will then have to go on COBRA for 18 months and then get state sponsored health insurance. When I got home I told him all this and he said he had not heard yet from the accountant. A short time ago Tony called to tell me the accountant will fix the mistake going back to the beginning of 2010. I do blame Tony for all this because if he took more of an interest in his finances and when signing his monthly tax paperwork, we would not have found this problem almost half way through December, 11 months into the year. So it is fixed but is a good example as to why we need gay marriage. If we were legally married I could get on his health insurance no problem as his 'wife'. It would also mean we wouldn't have to have the company in a LLC because of all this bullshit. So if there was ever a reason for gay marriage it is because of health insurance problems like this. After all this paperwork is finally filed I will have to submit it to food share to show them the information was wrong. All this just adds to my stress levels. Spent most of the afternoon watching the light snow fall. We are suppose to get 3 inches tonight and a bigger storm on Sunday. Making a steak, corn and potatoes for dinner with a salad. Will spend the night watching TV and watching the snow fall.

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