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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 16, 2009 Tuesday Night

Got up this morning feeling tired and sad. Had a dream about my past boss and her dog. Was not a bad dream but I haven't seen this dog that loved me dearly for almost 10 months now. So I called my past boss and had a nice conversation. We have been trying for some time to get together for a puppy visit with no luck. We firmed up a day next week. This made me very happy. My past boss also said again how much she misses me, how much I helped keep her on track, and how much she would appreciate me thinking about working for her personally. I did enjoy working for her. She is a strong, dominant, work oriented person, but fair. She expects a lot of her employees but is fair in her expectations. We always saw things pretty much on the same page. I told her I still would be interested in finding out more about what she would have in mind and we will talk more next week when we get together. I do know how busy she is and I do appreciate her work ethic. We are both 'get it done now' kind of people. She would like to talk about me working for her personally a couple days a week, a couple hours a day, when I am up to it on a given day. Sounds very much like something I can do and would be happy to do. The only problem is she lives about a half hour away so the drive would be the downfall. Will keep you informed on what happens.

Did some work around the yard. Started draining part of the pond as I filled it from the opposite side. The water is so cloudy and no solution I add seems to be helping. So I figure if I daily change out some of the water it might look better and be able to see the 40 or so fish when they are at the bottom of the pond. While the pond was filling and draining I did a little weeding and then opened the back garage to get the second half of the long ladder to use on the high points of the house as I continue painting. As I was getting the ladder out of the garage the door slammed shut and I found myself trapped in the garage with no apparent way to get out. I kind of panicked for a while trying to get the door to go up so I could get out of the garage, with no luck. I finally found the latch, in the dark, and got the door open. For a while there I thought I would be stuck in the back garage until Tony got home 6 hours later. Got showered and drove to the pet store to pick up more special dry dog food for Barkley. The food and the antibiotic are clearing up his skin perfectly. Plus he has stopped chewing and licking himself and making sores. Then headed to Walgreen's to pick up 4 prescriptions, one of which, the pain pills, they have to order from another pharmacy and will have the rest of the prescription tomorrow. So I guess I will be going to Walgreen's again tomorrow. Went to Tony's shop and got Stella and brought her home. She was very happy to see me. She doesn't care if she is with me at home, or Tony at the auto body shop, just as long as she is with one of her daddies. Honestly, I think she likes to go to the shop for a while, but then is happy to see me take her home rather than having to stay all day. Not sure what happened to the rest of the afternoon, LOL. I am actually shaking my head as I sit here because I honestly can't think where the rest of the afternoon went. It started drizzling about an hour ago so that means I have to make dinner rather than eat at the Tuesday Harley Davidson car show. Making Bertolli Chicken Parmesan, actually this stuff is not so bad and very easy to make. Will throw some garlic bread in the oven and call it dinner. Have to surf through the reruns on TV tonight and see if we might not have caught something the first time around.

I am sure there will be not much conversation here at home tonight because Tony and I are having a disagreement. It will pass. After 20 years together it sometimes is good to have these 'corrections' in the relationship. He is refinancing his auto body shop and I initially agreed to co-sign on the new loan since the bank said I am a 50% member of the LLC. I checked into this and refiled the LLC so I was only 10% owner so I would not have to co-sign on the loan. I have no problem co-signing the loan if I am then also on the Title/Deed of the property. The shop has always been in Tony's name, the house in mine. I would not expect him to co-sign on the house loan and not put him on the deed/title. I do not want in any way to take the auto body shop he has made a business of away from HIM in any way. I know some might not understand, but since we can not get legally married in Wisconsin it is best for all concerned to have it this way. The auto body shop in Tony's name, the house in mine. I always figured if someone were to sue Tony because of something with the business, we would still have the house and a roof over our head. In turn, if someone sued me for something we would always have the business. Either way when one of us dies the other gets it, but tax wise it is best to keep it all separate. Does anyone see my point? I watch too many Judge Judy's to co-sign a loan and not have something to show for it. Remember, we are not married in the eyes of Wisconsin.

Going to finish dinner. Tony is now in the shower. Still drizzling outside. The TV, couch and dogs for the night.

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