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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009 Wednesday

Very tired today. Not sure if it is the fact I was up three times last night to pee or the fact that it is raining outside and just crummy weather. Or of course it could just be my stage of my condition. Spent the day reading more information and watching tv. God am I fucked if the information is correct. Tonight I have my weekly HIV group meeting which have been very nice for me and needed. It does help to talk with people who have been down this path.

I've been giving some thought to writing a book. I have always wanted to. Wanted to start it years ago. I think, since I am not working, I will start next week considering it like a job and work on it daily. I think I have a lot to say and want to say it. I know it will not be easy because writing it will bring up all the memories of the past, but it will be something of me left on this earth when I am gone.


  1. Just spell my name correctly on the dedication page. Jack Ballenger. ;)

  2. They aren't able to pinpoint how long huh? When did you get your tattoos? And did you read about that clinic in Las Vegas that they closed down becaus ethey were reusing needles? They figured 40, 000 people have been put at risk. I never ask the person drawing my blood where the needle came from? I never see them removing it from a package. I am just a dumb trusting fool. Especially with the army I am going to ask every time to bring the needle to me and show me you got a brand new wrapped one.It all comes down to money.

  3. I did get two tatoos in the last 10 years. It mades me wonder.
