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Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 28, 2009 Saturday Night

Spent most of the day either in bed or on the couch watching TV. I do feel a bit better at this writing. Tony is still feeling quite ill. He says every bone in his body hurts. I hope if I get a good nights sleep I will feel even better tomorrow. I sure hope so anyway.

The dogs are driving us crazy. Plus we are dog sitting for a friends dog which puts us up to five again. I was about to make dog stew tonight with a couple of them. They just don't seem to understand that their daddy's are sick and do not want to play much less let them outside every hour because they are bored. And of course they have to go out one at a time so you have to sit there and wait for 5 dogs to go out and then come in. There are times I scream 'Everyones going out NOW!". The friend whos dog we are taking care of went out of town to most likely say goodbye to his mother who is very ill, probably for the last time. So sad. I can not imagine what that day will be like, or would be like. His dog is about 15 years old, white husky, long hair, sheds like crazy and is very stuborn. He lays off to the side, in a closet, and we notice with this visit he has no hearing, or very little hearing left. I think our friend will be losing a mother and his dog within the same year or so. So sad. We have taken care of his dog many many times and is totally comfortable here and gets along with our gang of dogs. But it is not in the best of health anymore at over 15 years old.

Going to start a movie. I hope I feel better tomorrow. I feel better now than I did this morning. But it seems to not last long. Now if I can only get Tony healthy. Poor guy, his chest hurts so much from the coughing and the fact his chest is wired together from his open heart surgery makes it worse. He does not have the usual shield plate most people have between their lungs and rib cage. Maybe a little Vicks Rub later if I'm lucky. Talk tomorrow.


  1. we are having the same thing here in Germany. Every one is sickThe first time Dan and I went to the doctor he gave us both crap we could buy over the counter. I wanted to tell him I know when I have a cold and when It is something more serious. @ weeks later I am back and get my regular doctor. He gives me antibiotics and cough pills. Danny got real bad and coughed non stop for 4 days.So finally they gave me an appointment for him. 3 prescriptions were needed. He is just now starting to sound a little better. But do you have a vaporizer or humidifier.mPut it right in the bedroom all the time. Boil water and drop a glop of vick's in it and put his head over the pot with a towel surounding his head. Breathe in the vapors. Drink tea woth lemon. Turn on the shower as hot as it will go and steam the place up and then go sit in there and breathe awhile.
    Boil Lemons and put honey in with the water and drink as hot as possible. These all help somewhat to ease the cough and open the lungs. Hope you feel better, and Tony too.

  2. I just got over a 2 1/2 week cold...really strong one going around here too. :( I feel so much better when I lather on the Vicks and then dress in layers to sweat the shit out.

    Now, you and that damn kennel you call a home...jeez louise with the DOGS! OY!

    Jack {{{ }}}
