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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What I Have Learned In One Week With HIV

The last week has been a whirlwind of thoughts and information. My life might or might not be similar to yours, but this is what I have learned in one weeks time:

- Put you first. This doesn't mean forgetting others concerns or worries, it simply means you need to think of your life and what is best for you.
- HIV is not a death sentence.
- Find yourself a doctor that specializes in HIV and is up to date on meds. Ask your friends who they have as doctors and if they like them. A great doctor is your best chance for survival, bottom line.
- Stop worrying about what you can not change. Now this I am still working on since I worry about everything. But I know in my heart, if I can not change it, if it really in the big sceem of things doesn't really matter, stop worrying about it now.
- The first three days after finding out this information I was so cold and chilled to the bone. I had to wrap myself in blankets. Its just fear, and by one week, the cold chills are gone for the most part.
- Say Please, Thank you, I Love You and hug as many people as will hug you. You will need these people now and later in life. You don't want them thinking you don't appreciate all they are doing.
- Think long and hard before you tell anyone about your new status. Once you tell someone you can not be certain that person will not tell someone else.
- Reach out and take any help or information you can get. You can always look at it now or think about it later, but knowledge is power. If you get to a point where you get internet overload as I did, walk away, you can come back to it later if you choose.
- Remove any negative people from your life. This might be hard, but you don't need them.
- You are not alone. In one week I have seen the generosity of many people. Go on line, search the web, there are so many resources available, just don't overload in the beginning.
- Its OK to cry. Its OK to just want to curl in a ball in your bed. Its OK to feel guilty, angry, denial, and feel like your head is going to explode. Take deep breaths and get through each moment one by one.
- Ask questions. If you have a question find out who can give you an answer and search it out.
- Be good to your partner if you have one. Remember he/she has so many things going through their head also and need hugs also.
- Although talking with your partner is great and helpful, just being near each other in silence can be just as comforting. A simple touch of the shoulder or hand can mean the world. Just being in the same room sometimes is enough to help get through the day or night.

As I said above. You might find some of this helpful, maybe not. I will continue to put out there my feelings, information, and anything else I can to help and be there for you. I have learned so much and will add to this blog.


  1. I think a lot of these things are equally important for everyone to remember. None of us knows how much time we are given and we really should do so many of these thngs more.

  2. my heart pangs for you guys.i hope G od is listening and carries you along.
