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Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23, 2008 Monday Dinner

Got up early to do some work on the deck prior to going to my therapist appointment. Got home and in between the rain drops continued with the deck. I got the flooring all moved from the back yard and placed on the deck stand. The boards are all 12 feet x 1 foot x 2 inches so they are very very very heavy. I think I over did it because my body is in pain. Going to have to relax after dinner tonight. Making a meat loaf and mac and cheese. That's a $35 dinner according to Polaris room. LOL. It is suppose to rain all day on Tuesday so not much will get done outside. Have to spend the day cleaning indoors or maybe taking a day off and spending it on the couch with the TV and dogs. I love rainy lazy days. Feel bad laying around when it is nice outside, but a rainy day is for the couch, TV and snugglin with the dogs. Put a pic of the deck as of today and what I accomplished. Still wondering why when I post more than one pic you can only open up one of them. Will have to look into this tomorrow. Tony should be walkin in the door any minute. Got to get his coffee and check on dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the not smoking. Congrats on the progress you are making with the new deck. Congrats on having a positive attitude and moving along. You are awesome!!!
