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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7, 2009 Tuesday Night

Did a little rewiring of the cables around the house and through the basement this afternoon. Next week we switch over to AT&T from Warner Cable. Looks like if we bundle all with AT&T it should be cheaper than Warner Cable and get a lot more TV channels. In fact we will gain the gay TV channels in the package like HERE and LOGO (I think that's what they are called). So I separated the back bedroom TVs from the rest of the house in anticipation. Should have a new email address that day of the switch (preparing you-April 14th). Hopefully I will just be able to change the part to Nothing is ever that simple. Look for an email from me next week with the new email address since as of the day of the switch I will loose my email. Then just found things to do the rest of the afternoon. Had a pretty boring afternoon. Tonight Tony went to a painting meeting so I am home alone. Been a long day home alone, don't like having the night alone also. I could never or would never want to be a single person, just to lonely. Call it co dependent I don't care, but I would never want to lose Tony. You can only look out the front window and watch the cars go by for so long. Makes me realize just how much I need, want and love him on nights alone like this. Watching American Idol, I think Kris is a hottie. He should have picked a different song. Hope someone else is worse, hate to see the eye candy leave the show. Will watch Dancing With The Stars after Idol and probably Law And Order SVU before going to bed. Tomorrow I need to get to Menard's sometime during the day since I have things going on Thursday and Friday. Our back parking dusk to dawn light thinks it is night 24 hours a day and won't go off. I am sure the Electric Company appreciates the money but since the light is on sale for $25 including the bulb I think it is worth swapping it out. I think we got our life out of the old one since it has to be over 5 years old. Tomorrow night I will leave Tony alone when I go to my Wednesday night HIV support group meeting. Wonder if he misses me when I am gone as much as I miss him when he is gone? I think he enjoys the time home alone. Difference is I am already home all day alone so it is just more of the same. Will write sometime tomorrow.

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