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Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9, 2009 Thursday Afternoon - Update

Just wanted to update you on most recent events. First off, and most important is that Tony was negative on his HIV Rapid Test this afternoon. One less thing to have to worry about at this time. Second, I went down and applied for food assistance and will get $200 each month on a debit card from the State of Wisconsin starting last month. I have to tell you that even though I am most grateful for all the assistance I am getting that I have applied for, it is pretty unbelievable that when you add up the food assistance, food pantry, health care/copay and prescription full reimbursement along with the energy assistance, I am actually bringing into the household about what I did when I worked full time. I guess there is one upside to being diagnosed with AIDS. (Had to find a silver lining in it all) Now I am not complaining, just astonished. But then again, I have worked full time since I was 16 years old and will be 48 this month. I think I have paid my dues and taxes as much as the next person if not more.

To anyone in a financial / life change like I find myself in, my words of advice today are: There is help out there. Seek out all and any assistance. Take the time to apply. Most initial applications for assistance can be filed online. Keep your ears open when people talk about this information. And do not give up. Help is out there, you just have to do a little work to find it. I think also worth noting is to realize you DO deserve it. And one final thought. If your state does not allow gay marriage, then your partners income should not matter. They can't have it both ways!

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