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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009 Wednesday Night

Two hands on the wheel. That should be today's words. I got up this morning by 6:15 because I had a 8:30 dentist appointment at ARCW. I knew this would be a stretch. It usually takes me at least 4 hours after getting up to feel like my mind is where I can feel comfortable enough to do things or think clearly. Left the house by 8:05 and made my way through downtown Milwaukee to my appointment. It was not an easy drive since only two hours had past since waking up and driving through downtown construction and detours made me have to concentrate on driving like I was taking an exam or test. The two block detour was taken with two hands on the steering wheel. Stomach didn't feel great this morning but by the time I got home from the dentist it felt better. Made an appointment to have my teeth cleaned tomorrow afternoon, my one appointment for the day. Made myself a bread bowl of tomato soup for lunch and some grapes. Tried to lay around but just felt edgy all afternoon and ended up cleaning one of the pond pumps that needed cleaning. Did not go to my Wednesday night group meeting tonight. I gave myself a week off due to the storms about to hit in about a half hour and so much on TV between American Idol and Lost. I will make sure I go next week.
Vito seems fine. I did notice him trying to scratch the wound a couple times today and made him stop immediately. Don't want him to pull the staples out scratching. Stella stayed home today so she could have a day off from work. She works so hard all day when she goes with Tony to the auto body shop for the day. :)
Felt a little withdrawn today. That was the word I came up with at one point and wrote down when I as at the dentist today. Should log off now that it looks like the dark clouds are coming. Always have to do a spell check prior to publishing this. I can not believe how bad I am at spelling.

1 comment:

  1. Why didn't they clean your teeth today instead of having you come back tomorrow, therefore having you make 2 trips and delaying other appts?
